Our company has subscribed to Analyze Essentials and are running into an issue when trying to produce reports with the field name 'Certificate Expiry Date'. Although that field is available in the course activity report, it is not available within...
We would like to see a report sharing functionality for Analyze Essentials implemented so that a "master" account can be marked and all other admins will automatically have the same reports in the master account when created. This feature is neces...
Add the certificate expiry date to the course activity report
We've recently changed all our courses over to certificate expiry 2 years from date of completion. The course activity report is our most frequently used but it does not show certificate expiry, only date attained. That means that I need to genera...
It would be great to allow for the option of sorting reports that are built in Analyze Essential. Right now, the report comes out kind of randomly. If we could specify how to sort the report during the design of it, that would be great.
Thank you for making multiple courses available in the Course Activity Report. Is there a timetable for when the Curricula Activity Report will allow for multiple courses/curricula/titles within a single report as well? Thank you.
over 1 year ago
in Reporting
Currently Available
We should be able to create our own Custom Reports. The ability to start from scratch and add any fields we desire. The current reporting takes too much time to compile all the fields needed. A simple blank report and option to choose fields then ...
It would be very helpful to have the Learner's Supervisor as an optional field on the Course Activity Report. This would streamline the follow-up process when tracking course completion.
over 1 year ago
in Reporting
Currently Available