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Reviewer Experience

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"Reviewer Experience" & Reviewer in Absorb Create not being the same is misleading.

You would think would someone is assigned as a "Reviewer" in their profile to have access to the Reviewer Experience, they would be able to locate courses they've been assigned to review, but no "Reviewer Experience" & Reviewer in Absorb creat...
3 days ago in Reviewer Experience 0 Unreviewed

Reviewer Experience - Add a "Past Submissions" log to hold historics

The reviewer experience is missing a KEY area, which is storing the past submissions that reviewer has done - and it should include the full detail of the observation checklist, etc.
about 2 months ago in Reviewer Experience 0 Unreviewed

Copy and paste option in review tool

It would be nice if we could use the ''Copy and paste'' option when writing bugs in the review tool. So if you want someone to change a particular sentence by an other sentence, we could just copy and paste that sentence.
about 2 months ago in Reviewer Experience 0 Unreviewed

Option to make the bug disapear when fixed

When a bug has been fixed, it would be nice if it would disapear from the list, but still be accessible if needed for back tracking by the development team. When there are a lot of bugs fixed, it becomes hard to find the one that you still have to...
about 2 months ago in Reviewer Experience 0 Unreviewed

Add a Filter to Observation Checklists Tabs in Reviewer Experience.

Hi, I'm a Training Coordinator at PCC Structurals, Inc. and here is an idea that would save a lot of time when looking up Audits and such in Reviewer Expectance. Add a filter to the Observation Checklist Tabs ("Not Ready," "Ready," "In Progress") ...
3 months ago in Reviewer Experience 2 Reviewed

Include Observation Checklist Reviews in Manager Experience

It would be awesome if we could allow managers to complete the review process for observation checklists in the Manager Experience instead of having to navigate to the Reviewer Experience. We often have managers set to be the reviewers.
5 months ago in Manager Experience / Reviewer Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Ability to use checklist in multiple courses

If a checklist has universal applicability, it would be great to be able to use the same checklist in multiple courses, rather than have to create separate but identical checklists for each course.
7 months ago in Reviewer Experience 0 Unreviewed

Observation checklist automatically send to manager for review

I have about 350 managers, who are the "manager/supervisor" for their team. I need all of those managers to do observations for their employees. Currently, I have to create a unique course for each manager, or create groups of managers and assign ...
about 1 year ago in Reviewer Experience 1 Unreviewed

Edit submitted Review comments

We use the reviews to assess a learning selling process. The reviewers' asses the learning via a video call and make notes in the observation checklist. It would be nice if there was a feature that allowed an edit to the review, either by one spec...
over 1 year ago in Reviewer Experience 0 Unreviewed

Allow auto-evaluation by learner to be able to compare to the Reviewers' evaluation

We are using the Reviewer's evaluation with plant workers, these are learners that do not have an easy access to a device for online content. We would like the worker to give his/her own appreciation of his/her performance so that in the end, the ...
over 1 year ago in Reviewer Experience 0 Unreviewed