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Core LMS

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Filter Course Activity by Time Spent

It's possible that this is just an oversight by the dev team, but there is currently no way to filter course activity by the Time Spend (Min) field.
9 days ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed

Add option to retrieve results of subcategory in Infuse API requests

Most endpoints in the Infuse API allow for a category parameter. If we have two categories that are parent to child relationship. Adding the parent categoryId as the parameter does not pull through results of the child category. We should have an ...
about 1 month ago in Learner Experience 0 Reviewed

Add a Filter to Observation Checklists Tabs in Reviewer Experience.

Hi, I'm a Training Coordinator at PCC Structurals, Inc. and here is an idea that would save a lot of time when looking up Audits and such in Reviewer Expectance. Add a filter to the Observation Checklist Tabs ("Not Ready," "Ready," "In Progress") ...
2 months ago in Reviewer Experience 2 Reviewed

Link global resources to course resources

Develop a single repository for resources and allow linking from courses to the global repository. that way there is only one file and we won't have to remember which courses have resources attached.
2 months ago in Online Courses 5 Reviewed

Apply Variable Pricing to REPURCHASE option

Variable pricing needs to be available when a learner is REPURCHASING a course. Otherwise, we have to overcharge some groups, and undercharge others. It means we may lose revenue.
2 months ago in Admin Experience / eCommerce 1 Reviewed

Forms Need Work

On Setup / Forms: Add the ability to Copy / Duplicate forms. (attached) Add the ability to modify font size / attributes in the Summary and Data Tables. Thanks,Rick
3 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Reviewed

Ability to hyperlink to CourseURL within messaging

Currently, there is no way to attach the CourseURL as a hyperlink. This leaves the messaging looking clunky. Being able to attach the CourseURL as a hyperlink, specifically on the function {{{CourseName}}}, would improve the messaging set up.
3 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed

Toggle to "View Completed Course" when reviewing catalogs

It would be nice for a user to be able to see the courses they've already completed within the catalog or any subsection of a catalog. This would function in the same way the MyCourses toggle works.
3 months ago in Learner Experience 1 Reviewed

Coupons - Courses Selection

When editing a coupon, the 'Courses' area is very tricky to use, the box is too small and seemingly not in any order. Can the box be made wider and one entry per row, in alphabetical order? Also surely only courses which have e-commerce switched o...
4 months ago in Admin Experience / eCommerce 0 Reviewed

Allow Custom Sort Order in Catalog/My Courses section

Allow clients to apply a custom sorting method to the catalog and my courses pages to help highlight and give visibility to courses without using mandatory or featured settings.
5 months ago in Learner Experience 4 Reviewed