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Online Courses

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Ability to tailor RE-ENROLLMENT rules

Some of our employees need to take a course one-time only, while others need the same course annually (e.g., supervisors need to take it to be aware of what their employees do, but the employees need to refresh annually because they are responsibl...
about 1 year ago in Online Courses 3 Low Probability of Delivery

Possiblity to add Level for a course e.g. Intermiediate, Basic, Advanced

It would be great if there was a filter function for the course level, we have categores for types e.g. HR, Autodesk, Cyber, ect. but not for the course level. If we have courses from basic to advance and the users wants to filter by course level ...
4 months ago in Learner Experience / Online Courses 1 Low Probability of Delivery
102 VOTE

Blended Learning in a single course

I know this was talked about recently, but can't find it here to vote. What's odd is that Absorb does not offer ability to provide Blended learning apart from setting up a curriculum to contain both an ILC and Online courses. This then limits abil...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses / Online Courses 14 Low Probability of Delivery

Preview all learning objects in Admin Experience

There has be an update in June: "'preview' icon right in the course syllabus next to Scorm, AICC, Tin Can, and of course Absorb Create lesson objects that allows an Admin with the Files permission to see the lesson just as a learner would!" Our co...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum / Online Courses 8 Low Probability of Delivery

Adding a Signature feature

Hello, I work for the Region of Waterloo, specifically the Region of Waterloo International Airport. I am in charge of the Training Program. We are heavily regulated by Transport Canada in all aspects (training, construction, procedures, complianc...
over 1 year ago in Core LMS / E-Signature Lessons / Online Courses 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Set a default category for all new courses

A fellow Absorb admin isn't assigning courses a category, so they are all uncategorized and appearing at the root level. Could you add a setting to force all new courses to be assigned a category, that way I can add them to his area by default and...
2 months ago in Curriculum / Instructor Led Courses / Online Courses 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Duplicate Learning Object within a Course

When I create a course that hosts a video file, I upload two learning objects. They are identical apart from the video file itself, i.e. the description, the poster, the subtitles, etc. are all exactly the same. The only difference in the video fi...
almost 2 years ago in Online Courses 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Disable "Lesson contains assessment" when importing courses

We have figured out, that whenever we import courses e.g. in SCORM format, the online course is automatically enabling the "lesson contains assessment" option. This is misleading since it does just enable it, no matter if the import contains an as...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Third Party Lessons 3 Low Probability of Delivery

Allow Admin to Delete Survey Questions After User Has Submitted

We need to be able to delete survey questions even after a learner has submitted an answer. I created a template course that included a survey, and submitted a survey as a test but now i cannot delete my submission in order to delete the question.
about 2 years ago in Online Courses / Survey Lessons 1 Low Probability of Delivery

In the Edit Courses view, have the option to sort the courses by 'Featured Course' order

I have created a curriculum with my courses in a certain order. When editing the courses I want to be able to sort them in the same order so I can make edits systematically.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Online Courses 1 Low Probability of Delivery