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Machine Learning

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AI tutor for learners with comprehension questions

An AI tutor whose knowledge base can encompass specific content resources (such as reference books) that can serve as an AI academic or skills coach to answer learner questions, clarify concepts, restate or summarize, or generate questions to test...
10 days ago in Learner Experience / Machine Learning 0 Unreviewed

Improve AI used for Video Transcription

For Video objects, the current AI does a great job capturing the correct words spoken and converting them into transcription, however it really, REALLLLLLY struggles with punctuation and capitalization. A typical 3-4 minute video yields a transcri...
8 months ago in Machine Learning 1 Currently Available

Add ability to "suggest" course or curricula without requiring it

Having the ability to suggest content to users based upon their role, versus merely placing on the "featured courses" tiles or requiring that the user take the content would be advantageous in driving exploration of content.
almost 3 years ago in Learner Experience / Machine Learning 1 Currently Available