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Admin Experience

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Add a Confirmation when approving/denying the course/session attendancy

We would like to receive a confirmation once we click Approve/Deny button in the Pending Approval email for courses and sessions. Currently it is intended that the Approve/Deny button redirects you to the LMS page but you can see a blank screen wi...
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 2 Unreviewed

Add to Group Option from Users List

There needs to be a way to use the Users panel to add one or multiple users to an existing group. The only way to do this is to go to Users > Groups and manually type in the user's name or add a rule. If you go to Users panel and check one user...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Re-enroll users for updated/new version course

We make updates to our HR, Compliance and Legal policies from time to time and we need oru employees to retrain on it. If a new version of a course is saved, the system should ask if the new version is equivalent or requires retraining. If it is e...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 7 Unreviewed

Provide ability to view course progress via Admin portal when there is no course visibility

We have to provide our admins the ability to enroll users in courses, to empower them to manage their own employees enrollments and have control over it (versus just allowing self enrollment and we don't have the staff to handle all enrollments). ...
6 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Time Spent - Increase by one digit beyond current max of 99999 which I've exceeded

As an admin of the system, I've spent so much time in it that I've exceeded the 5 digit (99,999) maximum value of the "Time Spent" field and it has rolled over, like the odometer of an old car, back to 00,000. This field should add a digit so that...
2 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Export transcript to excel

Would like to export user transcripts to excel rather than just printing pdf. Would also like to choose multiple users, or groups, or departments.
7 months ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 1 Unreviewed

Allow uploads to be graded / New Assignment Learning Object

We need a way of grading and giving feedback to user's submitted assignments. For example, a student has been set an assignment i.e. a task. They download the Word document from an online course from either an 'object' learning object or from a Re...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Show inactive users in users list by default

When searching for inactive users you have to specifically add the status is inactive filter for them to appear. This is inconsistent behaviour because you don't need to apply the same for courses, they just show up in the list automatically. Can ...
9 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Customize available filters on catalogue search

There are a lot of filters that aren't relevant to my organization (such as venue location and many others). Would be great to pick which ones to include/not include from an admin perspective.
7 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Reply-to address

We need a dummy reply-to address field to use in our email templates. Ex. We want to use our group distribution email (for all system admins) versus the email saying that it is coming from We want it to say it is coming from ou...
2 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed