Would like the Admins to be able to download multiple user's transcripts at once. Format could be a portfolio of PDFs, multiple PDFs zipped and downloaded. Use case: put a copy of a user's transcript in their HR personnel file. We really don't wan...
Upon User Import, I can set THREE "Account Type" fields: Learner, Admin, and Instructor. But, now there are now FOUR Account Types: "Learner, Admin, Instructor, and now REVIEWER. Please add REVIEWER as an Account Type in the User Import. At...
Allow learners to Join ILC sessions hosted with the Teams Integration from MS Teams
When using the Absorb Teams Integration for Virtual Classroom Integrations, we would like our learners to be able to join the meeting directly from their MS Teams Application. Currently they need to copy and paste the meeting URL to join the call ...
Link to an Observation Checklist from the Employee Transcript
Reduces the number of steps it takes to view where we store our historical records and audits. One click on an the observation checklist It will increase productivity for training coordinators, trainers, HR and management instead of searching in t...
It would be helpful to add 'Is Supervisor' flag to the 'Users' list. That would allow filtering Supervisors from the Users list, communicate with them via Absorb, use mass actions, automate groups creation or course enrollments targeted to the spe...
Move to Archive certificates when a more recent one is issued
Can it be created an archive folder and an active folder for certificates, so that we could have on the active folder the last certificate that a colleague would have for each training module and all the remaining training certificates moved to th...
Currently an admin has the ability to edit enrollment status and if completed, edit the date. Sometimes people don't get enrolled correctly, and it would be great to also be able to edit enrollment date. The effect of not having this means that we...
Session Approvals Report should have Session Start Date/Instructor
I've found it is difficult to sort through pages of session approvals without having the start date as one of the fields to sort or filter. I'm surprised this report /screen is missing this field. Having the instructor could be beneficial as well....
Admin Experience Dashboard - My Activity Widget improvements!
The My Activity widget for the Admin Dashboards appear to be lacking in activity that it could be providing. Currently this is only showing me users i create and enroll. This could be showing other information such as: Deleted users Deleted course...