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My ideas: Admin Experience

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Filter by Group in Reports and Users

Groups can be useful to distinguish active from inactive learners, separate learners by enrollment key used, or role/position/title across all departments. However, I haven't found any pages that allow filtering by group, which kind of defeats the...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 6 Currently Available

Option for Different Calendar Export File Types

Our company uses Outlook, so exporting a session calendar invite as an iCal (.ics) file causes all formatting done in the session description to be removed when adding to Outlook. This is a problem because we include all the extra Zoom dial in inf...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Reviewed

Separate the "Enrollments" Role Permission

I think that the "Enrollments" permission should be separated to have the option to allow an admin to enroll, re-enroll, and/or un-enroll users. Currently, the permission has a "View", "Enroll Anyone", and "Modify" option. The "Modify" option allo...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 10 Low Probability of Delivery

Automatically De-activate Users based on a Date

Currently there is no method for automatically deactivating users, the ability to set the status for a user to Inactive based on a Date field or Inactivity related to a Date field would reduce the need to manually de-activate users who are no long...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 11 Reviewed

Mass Edit Enrollment

Right now, you can only edit enrollment details for a course user by users and one course at a time. It would be beneficial for us when we have a larger group of individuals to be able to edit enrollment details for them en masse (i.e. Select mult...
8 months ago in Admin Experience 3 Unreviewed

New File Manager: Navigation to the file manager from the menu

We need to access the file manager from the main menu, rather than through the Course Edit page. This was the navigation in the previous iteration of the file manager.
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 6 Reviewed

Hide Inactive Courses from Course Enrollment Forms

When enrolling users into courses in the Admin Experience, only active courses should be displayed since an enrollment into an inactive course will not be visible to the learner
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 8 Low Probability of Delivery

Nudge Emails Should Only Be Sent Out for Active Employees

Currently, Nudge Emails are being sent out base on the enrollment status of employees. We have had nudges go out for employees that were enrolled in a course, but are now terminated. And managers/supervisors email our LMS Team upset about that. Nu...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 3 Unreviewed

Tie re-enrollment to auto-enrollment rules: drop users who no longer meet criteria

Hi! The auto-enrollment is a big deal for our business. Easiest case study: We have multiple compliance courses that must be assigned depending on the user's data fields. Some are for managers, some are for people residing in a specific country, a...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Unreviewed

Add Evaluations at the Curriculum Level

Currently, you can allow users to rate a curriculum, but there is no option to allow learners to complete an evaluation. It would be helpful to gather data at that level, especially since we use curricula for department-specific new hire training.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum 3 Unreviewed