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Admin Experience

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Add "Session Approver" column in "Session Approvals" report

I would like to propose adding a new column in the "Session Approvals" report called "Session Approver" (or something similar). We have a team of admins who are responsible for approving sessions for our employees. Having this column would allow f...
10 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed

Observational Checklist - System Admin seeing all "In-Progress" Users

With observational checklists, if a Reviewer accidentally clicks on an employee, as a system admin we have no way of finding where that employee went. If I don't care about restricting reviewers' user management settings (or experience high turnov...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 2 Reviewed

do not allow the admin to un-enroll a completed course

It destroys learner history. There should at least be a warning
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Reviewed

Add a Course Enrollment Status by Group option to widget selection.

Because our departments have multiple managers or groups within them, it would be useful to create a widget based on a group and not the whole department. It would work the same as the other widget selections, but you would be able to create a gra...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Administrator Dashboards 0 Reviewed

Create a 'new hire folder' (orientation package modules necessary for any and all staff can be assigned with one click)

If all staff require it before specific job functions are assigned it is easy to assign as a folder or package, with the modules in it, and make sure nothing is missed
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed

Reports to be combined

Earlier when I used to combine multiple courses to extract a report, it was possible, now it does not happen
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed

Session Approvals Report should have Session Start Date/Instructor

I've found it is difficult to sort through pages of session approvals without having the start date as one of the fields to sort or filter. I'm surprised this report /screen is missing this field. Having the instructor could be beneficial as well....
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed

Map Observation Checklist fields to Absorb custom fields

When a learner completes an observation checklist, why not allow those fields to be mapped to Absorb custom fields?
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Reviewed

Allow for auto and self enrollment to be set up based on Supervisor Relationship

Would be awesome to be able to roll out content based on supervisory relationships and to allow for 2 operators similar to department-driven enrollments where one can be "is only" and the other "and all below" that would include a cascading relati...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Provide capabilities to report on Venue usage

Due to the fact that we have to manage the details in the description field for every session for every venue manually, it would be beneficial to have reporting capabilities to allow us to see venue usage.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 2 Reviewed