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Admin Experience

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Ability to Limit Which Admins Receive Emails

We have some courses that a group of our admins would like to receive notifications of completion on. Currently, the options for sending emails through a course set up are limited to supervisor or admin. We would need an option to either send to a...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Unreviewed

Repeating Overdue Emails

Overdue emails are found in the message template section and do not have settings to resend on any schedule. But at the course level there is a Nudge email which can be sent up to 1000 times to a user. This "nudge" is sent to remind people to comp...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Reviewed

Show all courses in curriculum activity report, even if the user hasn't enrolled in a course yet

When users do not enroll themselves into a course within a curriculum, the unenrolled course does not appear on the user’s Curriculum Activity. When you click on the In Progress status and see the Curriculum Activity, only the courses the users ha...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Reviewed

SMS Text Notifications

I would love to be able to send SMS notifications to learners. Maybe an optional field for them to enter their phone number and opt into notifications. Many of our learners who have low tech literacy may be more comfortable with text than email.
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Integration / Learner Experience 6 Low Probability of Delivery

Enhanced Bulk Enrollment and Completion Upload Capability

Enhanced bulk upload capability would be very useful for: Enrolling users in a course Marking users complete in a course
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses / Integration / Online Courses 5 Reviewed

Attendance Sheet Upload

Make it so that you can upload an attendance sheet from Zoom or Teams for an ILT session and it will automatically update attendance in Absorb for that session. Including how long each person attended for and setting for how long they need to have...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 4 Currently Available

Automatic Enrollments for Instructor Led Courses

The ability to configure automatic enrollments for instructor led courses would enable more efficient workflows and reduce the number of interactions needed to enroll learners in this type of content
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience 5 Low Probability of Delivery

Configure a certificate in Absorb instead of in Adobe

It would be great to have the ability to upload an image to absorb as a certificate background and then add/edit the fields (learner name, date, etc.) within Absorb instead of doing that process in a third-party tool (like Adobe) and then uploadin...
7 months ago in Admin Experience 3 Low Probability of Delivery

Add pie chart type to LMS dashboard widget options

More chart types will make the dashboards more appealing to Admins. Pie charts are very useful to convey PCT of completion.
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 4 Reviewed

Nudge emails for already enrolled learners

Nudge emails rules can't be adjusted for already enrolled learners. We need the ability to edit the nudge rules (start date, frequency, etc) as leadership requests adjustments at times. We can't use a one-size fits all option here and would prefer...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed