As an admin, I would like the ability to create data objects like company website, location, facilities to further classify users by organization types outside of the department/group structure.
Add a Course Enrollment Status by Group option to widget selection.
Because our departments have multiple managers or groups within them, it would be useful to create a widget based on a group and not the whole department. It would work the same as the other widget selections, but you would be able to create a gra...
Course option for LMS to mark courses complete based off review duration time.
It would be extremely helpful if there was a option within the course settings that would allow us to set a required review duration time for completion. The LMS would then ensure that the courses are in fact marked complete if a user has reached ...
Is there a way to save a filter in Courses as the default? I want the same filter applied every time I click on Courses. Currently, the default view is "# of Ratings" and "Equals" Would be helpful if we can set our own defaults, mine will be "Name...
Capability to manage the CATAGORIES by admin permissions
ADMIN permissions are able to limit many things within the LMS, but not Categories. We do not want admins to see particular categories that do not belong to their org.
Copy a question that you just created, so you can make variations of it in the same question bank.
Many different multiple choice questions can be more easily created by changing, for example, math numbers or variations of the same concept. For example, for me with electrical questions, I can ask the same question for a copper conductor and for...
Users>groups> Actions ***Create a view attached courses button. This will help view if a new hire with a new job title needs all the courses as the group or if i need to enroll them as a 1-off individual because it doesn't fit the group requ...
I know you can launch saved reports from the widget but it would be great to also be able to go directly to the saved report from the saved report report. As an admin, I have a goodly number of saved and shared reports and it is easier to find the...
Add more parameters to Transactions report - City & State
It would be helpful to have more learner specific parameters that can be included in the Transactions report, especially city and state. We have learners from all around the country, and pulling a report for sales tax purposes that includes the fu...
The translations feature is great. However, there is not an easy way to know what the ID/key is tied to. For example, I have 3 translations (ID: 59367, 39266, 766) with the value "Launch," and two additional translations (ID: 822 & 67879) with...