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Mobile App

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Observation Checklists on Mobile App

Please enable Observation Checklists on Mobile App This will improve on the job accessibility for workers in "hands-on" positions i.e. medical assistants, quick serve restaurant staff, mechanics, warehouse/logistics laborers
about 3 years ago in Mobile App 8 Reviewed

How to conduct Gmail Setup on App?

One can easily conduct a Gmail setup on the app and for that, open the Gmail app. There, you have to tap on the profile picture on the iPhone or iPad. Tap on the Add another account. All you have to do is to choose the type of account which you wa...
about 3 years ago in Mobile App 0 Unreviewed

ILCs on the Absorb App

We would like to utilize the absorb app but we use many ILCs. We would love for ILCs to be compatible for the app. Our leadership has voiced how helpful this would be and we think it would make Absorb that much more user friendly to have app acces...
over 3 years ago in Instructor Led Courses / Mobile App 1 Unreviewed

BizLibrary Content - Mobile Enabled

BizLibrary content is mobile enabled but does not play on the app. This is a very poor user and admin experience. We are constantly telling people to switch to the web browser to play the content or we cannot "turn on" the mobile functionality. An...
over 3 years ago in Mobile App 5 Currently Available

Mobile Enabled Indicator

In our previous system, courses that were mobile enabled displayed a little apple icon, indicating to the user that the course could be played on a mobile device. Since we largely have to use the mobile web browser due to app limitations, having s...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Mobile App 1 Reviewed

Display course certificates in mobile app

Having the ability to display course certificates in the mobile app would allow our employees to confirm that they are properly certified to perform an activity. For instance, an employee could show that they are certified on a piece of equipment ...
over 3 years ago in Mobile App 1 Fair Probability of Delivery