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Auto-attendance reconciliation with multiple attendance reports

Hello, We are enjoying the Teams auto-attendance reconciliation. However, we run into a problem when a meeting is started and stopped multiple times on a single day. The attendance report is created for each meeting instance. When we attempt to us...
over 1 year ago in Teams 0 Unreviewed

Integration with Microsoft Learn and Viva Learning

Integration with Microsoft Learn and Viva Learning
over 1 year ago in Integration 0 Unreviewed

Rights to our own Overnight Imports

Currently, we need to hire an Absorb technician every time we want to view or modify the User Import file which runs daily overnight from our own company HRIS. We'd like to be able to View and Modify this overnight import file (and its settings) o...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Integration 0 Unreviewed

Better WebEx integration

Our learners are all external/retail/e-commerce. Our instructor led courses are heavily regulated and require attendance and polling tracking (i.e., how long were they signed in, how many polling questions did they answer, etc.). My primary reques...
about 3 years ago in Instructor Led Courses / Integration 0 Unreviewed

Proctoring Software Integration

Our school (higher education) would love to see an integration with a proctoring software to seamlessly administer exams!
10 months ago in Integration 0 Unreviewed

Hybrid Department/Org Structure

We add and remove "departments" constantly (Departmets for us are school districts, K-12 Food service management company). So its nice that it can create departments if they don't already exist. HOWEVER, this means that I cannot create a nested de...
10 months ago in ADP 0 Unreviewed

Allow the catalog and content to be crawlable/searchable (robot.txt)

For companies that sell training who are using Absorb (like us), the fact that entire catalog, course descriptions, etc., are unable to be indexed and searched significantly hinders our customers' ability to "find us". I understand why a company m...
about 3 years ago in Integration / Learner Experience 1 Unreviewed

Allow an alternate email field in the ADP connector

The ADP connector only allows an work email field. This has caused issues with our company as 70% of the work force does not have a corporate email. An alternate email field in the ADP connector would fix this problem.
about 3 years ago in ADP / Integration 0 Unreviewed

Req: Adding Enrollment Method in API

The API endpoints for different types of enrollments already has a lot of valuable information that we are currently using and it will be extremely helpful for the training team to understand what are the courses that the end users are self-enroll...
over 2 years ago in RESTful API V1.5 1 Unreviewed

Expand RESTful API Calls - Specifically POST and PUT

The API is a useful tool for automating tasks, but the current version is limited. For example, there are no POST or PUT calls for Courses. It would be helpful to update course properties using the API rather than editing each course individually....
over 3 years ago in Integration / RESTful API V1.5 0 Unreviewed