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API - ability to get the certificate in PDF.

It would be very useful for my company to be able to get the certificate. So we can show it on our app. Some of our client require a certificate to enter certain building. We need to be able to show the certificate on our mobile app. At the moment...
about 2 years ago in Integration / RESTful API V1.5 1

Update to Modern Authentication/Oauth 2.0

1.) What is Absorb’s preparation for Oauth 2.0/Modern Authentication for the near future? 2.) The documentation provided by Absorb instructs customers to still use a form of basic authentication– “SMTP Authentication”, is there not a plan right no...
about 2 years ago in Integration 1 Currently Available

Users appear to have completed a course if enrolled before a learning object is added

We often enroll users in a course by API before the learning object is available for upload. Once the learning object is added, all enrolled users are marked by Absorb as having completed the course, even though users have not yet viewed the learn...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience / RESTful API V1.5 0

User avatar API support

Update the users API to support uploading avatar
about 2 years ago in Integration 0

Contact names containing apostrophes or other special characters port over into Absorb incorrectly

Names like O'Hara come over into Absorb as O\'Hara via API integration. It's a bad look to see their name looking so wonky in the welcome message at the bottom of their user account. People from Hawaii come over with multiple "\" in their names. H...
about 2 years ago in Integration 0

Embed Zoom into the LMS

Having the user leave Absorb to participate in a Zoom webinar type of event creates a disruption to the user experience. It also eliminates the branding developed in the LMS by completely disconnecting the user from Absorb. Keeping the user experi...
about 2 years ago in Integration / Learner Experience 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Turnkey integration with HubSpot

Hello, many of our clients are using HubSpot as a CRM and would benefit from having a turnkey integration with this software.
about 2 years ago in Integration 1 Currently Available

Session enrolment responses - visibility of acceptances

It would be useful to make visible the accept/tentative/decline responses from session enrolment emails generated from Absorb, particularly when running wider programmes in which we often auto-enrol people to ensure their calendars are blocked. Ho...
over 2 years ago in Integration 0

API End Point for External Trainings

Please create an end point regarding to the External Trainings (Using External Training Template). This will help: -Pull external training data by user(credits, vendors etc) -Evaluate user external trainings -Calculate/Maintain/Report Employee (Us...
over 2 years ago in Integration / RESTful API V1.5 3 Currently Available

API endpoint for resetting PIN

Since the PIN currently requires admin intervention to reset, we get a very high volume of reset requests. We would like to build automation into our internal service request workflow to reset the PIN through an API endpoint, eliminating the need ...
over 2 years ago in Integration / RESTful API V1.5 0