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My ideas: Learner Experience

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Customizable ribbons

It would be great if we had more options to customize ribbons on the private dashboard, such as linking a category of courses to a ribbon instead of the whole catalog, or showing different categories to different groups of users, for example by la...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 19 Currently Available

New Learner Experience Lesson Player – make full screen the default mode

For accessibility reasons, it makes the most sense to have the lesson player launch in full screen mode by default, while having the option to minimize the player. When the course is in the minimized version, it can be difficult to read the text w...
about 2 years ago in Learner Experience 11 Currently Available

"Disable Seeking" on Videos Only When User Has Not Watched Once

Would like to disable seeking for users to ensure they watch videos entirely. Once a user has watched a video once they should then have the ability to scan through to review information easily.
almost 3 years ago in Learner Experience 8 Currently Available

Mandatory Evaluation should be a course object - too many ignore it

Course Evaluation should be a module just like courses are. Today it is in the right side and often overlooked by our course participants, so they only have 90% completion. A design issue I think. Make Course Evaluation available as a learning obj...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 6 Currently Available

Learner see all enrollments (historic and active)

Allow learners to see entire training history not just active enrollments. If they take Course A in 2017 and then again in 2021, show both on the user transcript. Currently only Admins can see both enrollments.
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience 6 Currently Available

Welcome Message for Different Templates

We would like the ability to have a different Welcome message for each template. We do have Departments that would like this message to be custom to their scope. This welcome message appears under "Hi (Name)" on the learner page.
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 3 Currently Available

Allow Department Templates to be Duplicated

Allowing to Department Templates to be duplicated would be helpful to allow all the settings and backgrounds to be transferred and then tweaked when two Departments need to look/function similarly, especially when it comes to hex codes for colors ...
almost 3 years ago in Learner Experience 7 Currently Available

Re-enrollment requires purchase

this used to be a setting based on documentation. If we have a course that has ecommerce, and the learner is scheduled to take it again we set allow for re-enrollment rules. that re-enrollment bypasses ecommerce. Obviously if we charge them for th...
over 2 years ago in eCommerce / Learner Experience 4 Currently Available

Include direct link to course in course enrolment email

Problem: As a learner, when I am enrolled in a course, I receive an email telling me which course I have been enrolled in. This includes a link to Absorb. However, I need to navigate myself to 'My Courses' and find the correct course. This is time...
about 2 years ago in Learner Experience 4 Currently Available

Stop showing zoom links until a session is selected

We run into issues where users enroll then dont select a session, because they can see the zoom links in the session titles. Please hide the zoom links until such time as they have signed up
almost 3 years ago in Integration / Learner Experience / Zoom 5 Currently Available