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Learner Experience

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There should be a "Learn More" button that is separate from the "Enroll" button.

Issue Summary: We are in the final stages of building our LMS and are about to launch. We have discovered issues with the "Enroll" button's multiple functionality.* Proposal: There should be a "Learn More" button that is separate from the "Enroll"...
3 months ago in Learner Experience 0

Separate dashboard for a specific group of people

We need a completely separate instance for Contingent Workers. They are within the same departments as employees so we can't just say "x" department gets a different view/dashboard. We need these learners to be completely separate to minimize risk...
3 months ago in Learner Experience 0

Customizable Dashboards for Groups

Our company organizes employees into departments by location, but within those locations are various groups with similar roles/titles. I have these people sorted into training groups (i.e. all bankers are in one group, all HR people are in one gro...
3 months ago in Learner Experience 0

Transcripts need to be exportable in Excel from Learner Side

Learners should be able to run Excel reports on their own transcripts in order to track their professional development etc.
3 months ago in Learner Experience 0

Completed courses ribbon

Make ribbon on learner dashboard for completed courses (separate out pending and completed)
3 months ago in Learner Experience 6 Reviewed

Course view - navigation on the left

We interviewed customers in the health sector about the usability of the platform. They had problems or searched too long to find the navogation on the right side. The first impulse is to search it on the left side. Perhaps you can add a course vi...
4 months ago in Learner Experience 0

Add tags/fields to Lessons for metadata

We would like to be able to associate tags/metadata to lessons. This will help with the LMS search to return specific lessons (instead of only based on course tags). We also have some integrations running that pull courses & lessons and today ...
4 months ago in Learner Experience / Object Lessons 0

In the Catalog be able to create "Ribbons" vs grouping courses into folders

Currently in the Course Catalog if I want to group courses by Category it shows in a "folder icon" . Our users are very visual and the look and feel of the file folders is not appealing. It would be wonderful if we could customize the Catalog furt...
4 months ago in Core LMS / Learner Experience 0

Course Completion Button

The current "Exit Course" button on the top right is not an effective solution for this problem. The previous idea "LMS-I-2696" has been marked as "Currently available." Although the plain "X" has been enhanced to read "Exit Course X", that does n...
4 months ago in Learner Experience 1

Enrollment Key subscription form design

The subscription form for key should be more customizable, width should be set by admin, custom field should have the option of radio button, field label should automatically fit to the width of the form.
4 months ago in Core LMS / Learner Experience 0