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Make it possible to delete a (already answered) questions from an Assessment

Why? Question(s) in a final assessment is a learning tool to ensure learners have understood content and that content + a quiz supported them in such. This also means that at times (many times) data shows that a question is simply not working/not ...
over 1 year ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Tool tip options

I would like the ability to have a flip card as a tool tip on click or hover. So the front of the card can be a title, on click/or hover, the card flips, providing more info.
4 months ago in Create 2 Unreviewed

Absorb Create: Ability to add another action on click

I have a slide where users select the content they want to view. Once they've viewed the content, they are returned to the selection page. I would like to be able to mark the items they have already clicked on and viewed as complete (adding text o...
about 2 years ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Offer Fill in the Blank option for Quiz questions

When creating content in Absorb Create, there are options for multiple choice, true false, matching, and sequencing - but not an option for fill in the blank. If I choose the fill-in-the blank template (but don't select Quiz), the answers are not ...
about 3 years ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Create: Multiple correct drop targets for Drag and Drop Questions

In order to keep learners engaged, we like to mix up the question types. It would be really useful if we had the option to select multiple drop boxes as correct, as sometimes an answer may fit under more than one category. Multiple choice or Pick ...
8 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Save a user's progress prior to a course update

What challenge are we facing today? When we edit a course that is already running (i.e. learners are already enrolled and they are going through the course content), and we re-publish the course, all progress of the learners are erased, even their...
about 1 year ago in Create 4 Unreviewed

Create edit log

There is currently no way to generate a report on the edits and modifications made to Create content, only the most recent edit date without reporting on the history of edits.
over 1 year ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Remove correct answers from knowledge check question feedback.

Knowledge check questions have amazing feedback customization, but when that feedback is shown, the option to Show Correct Answers is not an option that can be toggled off. Many clients and prospects feel this undermines the thought that goes into...
about 2 years ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Within Create module, specify which course in the LMS you'd like the content dropped into

Within the Create tool, we cannot specify what course we would like the lesson dropped into, as when published it automatically publishes into a new course. Right now you can workaround by Exporting the content to SCORM and then load them to a sin...
over 2 years ago in Create 1 Unreviewed

Create: Drag and Drop anywhere in drop zone

I would like to be able to have a drop zone where I can add multiple drag items without them snapping to the center of the drop zone. For example, I have an activity with a Venn diagram and I want to drag multiple statements in each part of the Ve...
8 months ago in Create 2 Unreviewed