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Create - recycle bin

In Create, if we accidentally delete a page there is no way of getting it back. It would be great to have a recycle bin within a course being edited just in case. We've had this happen a couple of times and had to rebuild pages.
over 2 years ago in Create 3 Unreviewed

Backup Create Courses

In Create, we can't backup an editable version of a course (we can download a published version, but that doesn't help if we have an issue such as accidentally deleting a course).
over 2 years ago in Create 1 Unreviewed

CLOSE ("X") button in Maximized Player View - Absorb Create

For lessons created in Absorb Create, there is no "X" (Close) button in a player when the player is maximized during playback. The "X" button is only visible when the screen is minimized (pane view).
over 2 years ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Create Quiz - add the ability to ask certain number of questions from the quiz

In our base product, you have the ability to "Ask certain number of questions from group" when creating a quiz / assessment. It would be an improvement to be able to do this in Create.
over 2 years ago in Create 1 Reviewed

Allow multiple tracks of audio within course

I would like to be able to do a voiceover during a course while still having an audio track in the background.
over 2 years ago in Create 1 Unreviewed

Ability to show or hide pages in Create Menu

Add a checkbox next to all pages in Create course so that you can pick which pages the learner sees in the menu when navigating the course. This ability is available in all other course creation software. Gives the ability to make the menu smaller...
over 2 years ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

How-to Video's in Absorb Create Knowledge Base

I am new to Create and am still learning the software. While the articles in the Knowledge Base are helpful, I feel it is easier to have a video showing us how to do things, such as: create a slide or a company specific template. The current video...
over 2 years ago in Create 3 Currently Available

Integrate with Poll Everywhere for interactive learner engagement during live webinars

My organization has been searching for a way to actively engage with learners during a live, synchronous training - a la the functionalities included in Poll Everywhere. We want users to be able to login to a live vILT through Absorb, directly int...
over 2 years ago in Create 1 Unreviewed

Within Create module, specify which course in the LMS you'd like the content dropped into

Within the Create tool, we cannot specify what course we would like the lesson dropped into, as when published it automatically publishes into a new course. Right now you can workaround by Exporting the content to SCORM and then load them to a sin...
over 2 years ago in Create 1 Unreviewed

Ability to edit the Button text

Clients would like to be able to edit the text on Submit/Continue buttons in questions. Currently the text can be changed in the Editor, but it does not carry through to the Review, Playback or Publish modes.
over 2 years ago in Create 0 Unreviewed