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Reporting on Multiple Users' Learning Over Set Period of Time

We need the ability to run just one report that shows all learning completed between two dates (eg. last month) for a specific set of users. Currently this functionality exists but it doesn't automatically show you what the courses/learning was th...
3 months ago in Reporting 0

Report for most popular courses

It would be great to be able to report on which courses are the most popular among self-enrollment courses. And even better if we can drill down by learner demographics. We would leverage this data to curate more of those courses or topics to meet...
3 months ago in Reporting 0

List of links and the courses that contain them

If links are updated old links in a course can lead to 404's. Tracking this down can be difficult if the course was created a long time ago or if many urls are changed all at once. A mapping of links to courses/pages would greatly help.
4 months ago in Reporting 0

Filtering drop down

Report filtering does not have ability for drop down selection. Instead, you have to type in a word. With thousands of records, we may not know what word we are searching for. If it would populate the options and let us select (multi-select but on...
4 months ago in Reporting 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Allow export to excel from Absorb Analyze

I would like to allow to export data from Absorb Analyze to excel. The PDF option is not always friendly. Many times I have printed to PDF but it doesn't capture all the information. I have to be very careful and change the settings. But then the ...
4 months ago in Analyze 1

Course Activity Enrollment Method should show Enrollment Key

When a user uses an enrollment key to enroll in a curriculum or course, "Enrollment Key" should appear as the Enrollment method in the Course Activity report, not "Self". There should also be a field to show which enrollment key was used directly ...
4 months ago in Reporting 0

Add Multi-Course Reporting for Course Evaluation Reports

Can you please add multi-course reporting to the Course Evaluation reports, like you did with the other course reports? Sometimes I have a curriculum with multiple courses included, and while I know I can add the evaluation to the entire curriculu...
4 months ago in Reporting 0

Add Course Title to Course Evaluation Report

It would be incredibly helpful to add the Course Title as an option to view on the course evaluation reports. Sometimes, I run course evaluation reports for multiple courses that were part of a curriculum, and then I have to pay very close attenti...
4 months ago in Reporting 0

Expose all tables and fields to the Analyze tool

I have been trying to build a dashboard that replicates the functionality in the built-in "View Activity Feed" report but for all users. I need to find users that have previously been un-enrolled from a course and by whom. The Course Enrollment da...
4 months ago in Analyze 0

Group Reporting Funnel

Currently with out a “group” reporting funnel we are unable to run reports on specific groups. We cannot pull together “groups” of people on a jobsite together to run a report, or a TLP group report. This may be solved with AnalyzeBI.
4 months ago in Reporting 0