Thank you for making multiple courses available in the Course Activity Report. Is there a timetable for when the Curricula Activity Report will allow for multiple courses/curricula/titles within a single report as well? Thank you.
over 1 year ago
in Reporting
Currently Available
When someone is listed as a supervisor, we need the admin portal to automatically filter to their team. This is the primary complaint that we receive is on this topic. The current functionality only allows to filter the platform to the department....
Date Equals Filter should include option to enter a date
Currently you can only choose "After, Before, Between, Equals" Equals only allows you choose "Today, This Month, This Quarter, This Year, Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month, Last Quarter, Last Year" , There should be an option to enter an exact date.
When utilizing the scheduled reports feature, we need to be able to set the specific date and times for the delivered reports. Currently using the scheduled reports, it will deliver the report at 00:01 of your current time zone. For any business t...
Observation Checklists | Visibility and Transfer Ownership
I'd like to see "In Progress" checklists in the reviewer experience, as well as see the reviewer who is working on it. Finally, I'd love the ability to administratively move the checklist from one reviewer to another, or allow a reviewer to reques...
Reporting on Multiple Users' Learning Over Set Period of Time
We need the ability to run just one report that shows all learning completed between two dates (eg. last month) for a specific set of users. Currently this functionality exists but it doesn't automatically show you what the courses/learning was th...
Add Credit type as filter option in Courses report
We have several kinds of credit (and love that option!), but would like to be able to filter by that in the Courses report so we can see and easily report on all the courses with a particular kind of credit.
When troubleshooting email delivery or simply verifying which emails were sent from Absorb, to whom, and when, there's no direct way to view this. Impersonating the learner and looking at their Messages will give an idea, but does not allow for tr...