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Resources - ability to report

We would like the ability to be able to report on the usage and activity of the global resources as well as be able to add these to widgets in the dashboards. As learning nuggets and quick reference guides are becoming more important in learning d...
about 2 years ago in Reporting 4 Reviewed

dashboard capabilities

I don't know if it's just me, but the newer dashboards are not very friendly to department leaders compared to the previous version. I can't find ways for the widgets to drill down to individual users, nor able to have the widgets link to the rele...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 17 Under Consideration

Auto-Shutoff for Scheduled Reports

Nudge emails have a great feature. You can have them run every “X” days and then automatically shut off after running “Y” # of times. Wouldn’t it be great if you could also do that with Scheduled Reports? Example: I’d like to run a Scheduled R...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 4 Reviewed

Absorb Analyze support

Absorb Analyze site not robust or helpful. Need more documentation/guidance.
about 1 month ago in Analyze 0

Tracking of certificate clicks / downloads

We offer certificates, e.g. in curricula that are part of face-to-face customer events set up in a blended learning approach. After the event, we set the curriculum as completed for everyone who participated in the face-to-face event. Therefore, a...
5 months ago in Reporting 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Retain Past Completion for Courses that Allow Re-enrollment

It would be helpful for activity reports to include all past course completions by individuals who re-enroll in the course. Currently we have trainings that require individuals to re-enroll and retake them periodically, every 1-2 years. As it now ...
20 days ago in Reporting 0

Observation Checklists - Allow Learner to Upload Files to be Assessed

We would love to take advantage of the observation checklist feature more, but much of our workforce is distributed geographically and a live observation isn't always feasible. We'd like to have learners be able to submit files (video, photos, aud...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience / Reporting 1 Under Consideration

Deleting a scheduled report

It seems only the person that sets up a report can cancel /delete the report. Please can main admin users be able to delete a report from absorb if it's no longer required, and have the ability to amend changes to who & when the report is sent...
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 3

Ability to create report that combines ILC sessions and online courses

This would be helpful to track attendance in a hybrid environment. We currently have some users who complete the course in person and some who have to watch an online recording. Being able to combine reports would help us with creating a record of...
5 months ago in Reporting 0

Report: Course and Curriculum

Hello Absorb team! We are in need of a report which shows all curriculums and the courses within them. This will help us have a clear view of our library, especially when performing periodic reviews according to state regulatory and internal agenc...
9 months ago in Reporting 1 Reviewed