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My Courses - Show Completed toggle maintain setting preference

Every time we go into my courses, I have to toggle the show completed off every time. This preference should hold.
almost 2 years ago in Content 0 Unreviewed

Personal Calendar switch

I wanted to inquire if you could revise the calendar feature to be a training calendar of upcoming events as opposed to a personal calendar of registered events? This way, when overall trainings are coming up, we can see all of them at one time.
almost 2 years ago in Content 0 Unreviewed

Secure Content from unauthorized distribution.

Most of the content that we have needs to be protected from unauthorized distribution. We need to have a way to protect these digital assets to protect our patents and IPs. As a result, we wanted to see if its possible to secure access having some...
about 2 years ago in Content 0 Unreviewed

Add option to have non-tracked SCORM courses that can be accessed by the public (non-account users).

In our previous LMS (TalentLMS), we had the ability to upload a SCORM course that a user could take, but not be tracked in. We used it as a way for visitors to try out our content before purchasing, but also allow for content that we didn't need t...
over 2 years ago in Content 0 Unreviewed

Alert for previously converted courses

Hi! We've found that we've added the same course multiple times from Amplify Plus and would LOVE to have an alert notifying us that a course has already been converted to confirm if we still want to convert the course. Thanks!
about 2 months ago in Amplify 0 Unreviewed

AI PDF to a saved theme

I would like to be able to take a PDF, upload it to AI, but instead of AI generating a presentation, I want AI to generate the info into a pre-determined template/theme.
4 months ago in Content 0 Unreviewed

Toggle Reports to EDIT view, so bulk edits can easily be made to multiple courses/users.

Since all reports can be exported to a spreadsheet, why can't the report be toggled to an EDIT version within the platform? Then if I have a column on my report that I want to do a bulk edit to, I could copy/paste down the column and save, and the...
about 1 year ago in Content 0 Unreviewed

Editable Banner Titles

When designing the user dashboard template, it would be helpful to make the banner titles editable. (ie. "Mandatory" could be changed to "Mandatory Compliance")
over 1 year ago in Content 0 Unreviewed

Add company address and links to SoMe channels on department contact details

I would like to be able to add our Company address/location and links to message templates, e.g. to website and SoMe channels. However these fields does not currently exist in the Department contact details. My idea is to add these fields: Company...
almost 2 years ago in Content 0 Unreviewed

Nudge email Monday-Friday

Why can't Nudge be set to just the work week?
almost 2 years ago in Content 0 Unreviewed