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More ways to earn Leaderboard points

Leaderboards need more ways to earn points and help build engagement within the LMS. We would love a way to add where and when learners earned points such as: Participating in Collaborations Commenting on News Articles Answering Polls
about 2 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 1 Unreviewed


Add tile that allows me to have podcasts for user to watch similar to latest news
about 2 years ago in Engage 0 Unreviewed

Have leaderboards for courses, not users

It would be great to have a leaderboard for specific courses instead of user groups. For example, if I run a campaign on Customer Service, I want to see who earned the most points just for that content. Currently, all points earned from other cour...
over 2 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 2 Unreviewed

Forum/Discussion Board Learning Object

I'd like to see a new learning object where learners can talk to each other and share ideas and upload media. A discussion board with dated threads would be ideal. The course admin needs to be able to moderate and remove/alter learner posts.
over 2 years ago in Collaborations / Engage 1 Currently Available

Engage Banner: Click count

Would be nice to be able to track how many times a banner has been clicked
over 2 years ago in Banners / Engage 0 Unreviewed

Leaderboard Points for answering quiz questions correctly

Can correct answers to quiz questions in lessons be used to generate leaderboard points?
over 2 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 0 Unreviewed

Leaderboard Points E-Store

Allow Admins to create an "E-Store" where the learners can "buy" items with leaderboard points. Items can be added to a "catalog" with point values given to each item for leaners to browse. Example: A Mug = 50 PointsA Shirt = 100 Pointsetc. Viewin...
over 2 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 2 Unreviewed

Make competitive "teams" for leaderboards

While users can "compete" against each other in leaderboards, our company would also like to add the ability for users to compete as teams in a leaderboard. For example, teams made by group or manager, teams made by job title, or teams made throug...
over 2 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 5 Reviewed

Engage: Managing Collaborations

It'd be great if we could arrange the display order of posts so that the most relevant or useful posts or comments can be seen at the top of the collaboration channel. I'd imagine this would be through some sort of pin or star feature that admin c...
over 2 years ago in Collaborations / Engage 0 Unreviewed


Option to create playlists within Collaboration or its own section. Group resources, courses, posts, etc as a Playlist. Users can subscribe or enrol in a playlist. Playlists can be posted in Collaborations. Will better allow for informal learning.
over 2 years ago in Collaborations / Engage 0 Unreviewed