The collaborations feature is a great addition to the platform however the entry point is usually the recent items, from there its not "obvious" that you have to find the small text links on the right hand side to find the indvidual collaborations...
Currently when we add a poll, the possible answers are scrambled. I would like the ability to put the possible answers in a logical order and have it display that way to the learner as well.
I am trying to upload news articles for my company but it only allows me to name system administrators as authors. I need to be able to label the author or remove myself from the article.
Ability to go directly to a comment or question from a collaborations report
I run a collaborations report so that I can identify new comments or questions. However, it is very difficult to go from this report to the actual comment or question so that I can respond. There is no link and no search function within the collab...
I would like my leaderboards to accumulate the assessment score for the points system. So that when someone that scores better on the assessment they are the leader in points.
Option to create playlists within Collaboration or its own section. Group resources, courses, posts, etc as a Playlist. Users can subscribe or enrol in a playlist. Playlists can be posted in Collaborations. Will better allow for informal learning.
Add Idea Portal Like Functionality for Absorb Engage Module
Similar to the Absorb Ideas Portal, I’d like to enable our store Coaches (Learners) to be able to submit ideas and vote on them in the same way as we (Admins) can submit feedback/suggestions to the Absorb Product Team.
Add visibility and admin permissions to engage features
Right now engage features are only viable for system admins because when you are given engage permissions, you see all polls and news items created. We want to be able to give our admins the right to use engage features but only see what they've c...
I often get confused when trying to navigate the sidebar menu on the admin side of Absorb, especially when I am trying to find Absorb Create (squares) and Absorb Engage (rocketship) as the icons aren't relatable. I think it would be better to eith...
For Absorb Engage - leaderboard showing score/average score
Would like an option to create a leaderboard that can show score for a specific course curriculum as opposed to just the x points for completion. Would like to see by user, maybe top 5 in the dashboard preview, and with the ability to click in to ...