When a checklist is failed, the checklist should be to be reset individually instead of having to re-enroll the user in the whole course. Allowing restarts or multiple attempts would allow either monthly/yearly recertification as well as fixing an...
Reviewer Experience: Allow Review to view Learner Added Content
It would be huge upgraded is the Reviewer could view content or information a Learner has added to the course during the Reviewer Process. As of right now the Reviewer can only view the content they enter. This will allow the Review to "grade" or ...
Observation Checklist - Ability for learn and reviewer to see the courses content
We would like to utilize the observation checklist to replace our paper clinical competencies. When building an observation check list we realized that the reviewer can not view the content within the modules like a PDF file which make it hard for...
In the Reviewer Experience - Can we make the completed tasks on Observation Checklists marked with a green checkmark. I know the colors are based on the company's theme colors, but it makes for a confusing Reviewer Experience the way it is now.