Manager Experience by department versus individual users
It would be great if we could mark a user as a manager of a department versus individual users. It is difficult to manage when you have hundreds of users. The functionality should be available for a department and sub-departments like it is under ...
It would be helpful to be able to add custom fields to the external training templates. If this is not possible, maybe offer the ability to change the titles of existing fields (like Description).
Manager Experience: enable manager to message by course
Having the ability to message leaners within the ME is good. Being able to populate a message for a single or group of courses would be better and save a manager time and effort.
Add External Training as “Edit” and “Approve” in Manager Experience Permissions
Request for a new feature that we believe will significantly enhance the manager experience within Absorb. We would like to propose the addition of "Edit" and "Approve" permissions for external trainings in the manager experience dashboard. Curren...
Provide a way to see full list of direct reports in Mgr. Experience (Too many to display)
Currently, when there are too many direct reports in a Manager's list, too many to display will appear. Admins have no way to reduce the list of users unless they can see the list and remove unneeded reports. (See pic)
Mgr. Experience: Filters selected should not go way when indirect reports are clicked.
When using Manager Experience, the filters selected do not remain when indirect reports is chosen. Filters selected should remain after choosing indirect reports.
Option to customize dates for printing user transcripts.
What challenges are you facing today? Preference to print transcript yearly as opposed to all dates. What is your proposed solution for this challenge? Provide the option to set specific dates for user transcripts. Who in your organization needs t...