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Manager Experience

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Manager Experience Needs Additional Course Filters

Our managers would like to be able to filter their learner data by course categories, like "Safety", "Quality", "ISO", etc. We have close to 1000 courses in our library, and the average manager may not know the course title to search for off-hand....
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 0 Reviewed

Add ability to bulk approve external training submissions

Add the ability to bulk approve external training submissions. Today when I try to select more than one submission, the approve button grays out. It's not efficient for managers to approve submissions one by one.
over 1 year ago in Manager Experience 0

Allow bulk messaging in manager experience according to course completion status

Would be great if in the manager experience a manager could send one bulk email to everyone who fits a certain criteria i.e. everyone who has a course status as "Not Started" or "In Progress". It currently has to be done individually or just "All ...
about 2 months ago in Manager Experience 0

Delete Custom Manager Role

Steps to Reproduce 1. Navigate to the portal.2. Navigate to Users Report and then to Manager Roles.3. Select any custom manager roles.4. There is no option to delete the created roles. Observed Results: Not able to delete the custom manager role. ...
9 months ago in Manager Experience 0

Manager Experience should give the option to show Active vs Inactive courses on reports and in search

We inactivate courses that are no longer relevant to a learner's transcript. It would be nice to have the option to hide inactive courses from the search bar and the reports showing in the Manager Experience. This could be a filter built into the ...
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 0 Reviewed

Manager Experience - Session Approvals not included in "Pending Approval" tile

To whom it may concern, We noticed that session approvals were not showing up in the "pending approval" tile for the manager experience. We checked with our CSM and were informed that only Course, Curriculum and ILC approvals were included for tha...
over 1 year ago in Manager Experience 3

Manager Experience to show Mandatory Courses

Manager Experience dashboard should have a section to show all Mandatory courses assigned to direct reports to their progress. At the moment it shows all courses without categorising which ones are mandatory. Managers should have the option to che...
over 1 year ago in Manager Experience 0

Incorporate Certificate Expiration in Manager Experience

Complaincy is highly regulated in our industry. We regulary need to provide certificates and completiion records to federal agencies - our employeees are not the most tech savy and rarley use email. Our Managers are required to ensure that their l...
about 2 months ago in Manager Experience 0

Keep individual enrolments rules for when sitting in a curriculum

We do not want our leaners enrolling into a course and session as this responsibility sits with the Manager due to their being a cost and workshop schedule. We have set enrolment rules at the course level, but when the course is added to a curricu...
4 months ago in Manager Experience 0

Manager Experience able to enroll in sessions and courses

Manager experience presents the data nice and simply for our managers out in the field. I want to simplify their experience to just use this portal. It would be great if they were able to choose a session for their reports off the enrolled courses...
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 2 Currently Available