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My ideas: Core LMS

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Add Single Report: Curriculum - Course - Lesson

Is it possible to run a report that would show: Curriculum title, Courses (contained in it), and Lessons (in those Courses)? Thanks, Rick
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 3 Reviewed

Export and Import Question Banks

The ability to export and import Question Banks in the LMS would reduce the overhead required to plan and then input changes for questions
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 17 Low Probability of Delivery

Send Nudge from Manager

It would be great if Managers were able to send a nudge manually to their reports directly through the manager experience. A button on each course tile under a users name to "send nudge" would be great. A next step up from that would be a button t...
over 1 year ago in Manager Experience 5 Currently Available

ceu credit for external training

Credit (ceu) from external training does not get added to learners transcript total. A system Admin should be able to add this without creating a work around blank online course and adding credit to it. Can you add on the profile edit page an ente...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience 10 Reviewed

dashboard capabilities

I don't know if it's just me, but the newer dashboards are not very friendly to department leaders compared to the previous version. I can't find ways for the widgets to drill down to individual users, nor able to have the widgets link to the rele...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 12 Under Consideration

Allow Courses to be assigned to multiple Categories

Allowing courses to be assigned to multiple categories helps clients curate categories very specifically without having overly-specific categories or multiple versions of a given course in order to surface in multiple categories.
3 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

E-Signature Simplified

Currently, the E-Signature is designed for compliance with the U.S.'s Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and requires that the Learner enter either: Username and Password, or Username and PIN. For us, and any customer using Single-Sign-On, this f...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 8 Reviewed

Add "Does Not Equal" in more filters

When creating a Rule in Groups. I can use the NOT function for Location, but I cannot use it for Worker type. Can you please add NOT functionality to all fields in writing Rules? (attached) Thanks,Rick
9 months ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 1 Unreviewed

Exit to LMS or Exiting Course buttons in Arituclate Storline 360 and RISE 360 saves progress/returns user to Absorb Learner Dashboard or Course Page

Articulate Rise 360 courses have a button feature called Exit Course (LMS Only). Currently, when the course is hosted on Absorb, and the user selects the button with that feature, the course will close, but reveal a grey box (the iframe containing...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 3 Reviewed

Manager Experience - Generate/Export Reports

I would like to have an action option to export the data being viewed in the Manager Experience (such as the courses/status/priority from the learners view) an an excel or CSV file.
over 1 year ago in Manager Experience 5 Reviewed