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Core LMS

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edit courses from curriculum

When viewing a curriculum syllabus, include a button that will jump you to the course edit page. It would be best if it would be able to return you back to the curriculum, too.
11 months ago in Curriculum 0 Unreviewed

Resources Section: Change default view for Learners to show description

Problem Statement: Users do not see the description of each item in Resources, as there is no way to set their default view to display full tiles with descriptions. The user must realize that there is an option in the corner and select it themselv...
almost 3 years ago in Learner Experience 4 Unreviewed

Stop showing zoom links until a session is selected

We run into issues where users enroll then dont select a session, because they can see the zoom links in the session titles. Please hide the zoom links until such time as they have signed up
about 3 years ago in Integration / Learner Experience / Zoom 5 Currently Available

Ability to copy and paste settings from one course to other courses

We recently determined a setting was necessary for a lot of our courses and had to select and edit each individual course. It would be helpful to have a copy and paste function where you could copy an individual (or possibly multiple) setting that...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Replacing an Existing Course Package: Move "Replace an Existing E-Lesson" to a more intuitive location (currently in "Add Learning Object" > "SCORM")

Problem Statement: When you are updating a learning object-level course package for an online course, you must do the following: Select Edit on the online course. Navigate to the "Outline" section. Select "Add Learning Object" (??) Select "SCORM 2...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Third Party Lessons 3 Unreviewed

Change "Delete User" button to Red

Had a few near-misses, almost deleting a selected user, rather than "Deselecting" them. The two buttons are right next to each other, and both start with "De". Suggest changing the color of "Delete" to red, and possibly adding a "Are you sure?" po...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Set the Compact View as the default view for learners

Absorb recently changed the view of the learner dashboard. When courses are launched, they are viewed in default view which is very small. Please let me know if this can be changed to the compact view. I have many customers that can seem to figure...
11 months ago in Learner Experience 1 Unreviewed

Include External Training submission as course object and in curriculum

We'd like to be able to have the external training submission form as a course object and available in curriculums. Some courses we have require learners to complete an external training as part of it, and it would be a much better user experience...
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Unreviewed

User Report - Add Number of Successful Logins Column

I track the number of logins to see how the LMS usage has change month on month. To do this, I have automated user reports for each department. This shows the number of logins. However, this column actually shows the number of login attempts, not ...
6 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Automatic Tags need to be enhanced

Hello, Currently, the automatic TAGS feature tags random words in a course. Some of the automatic tags don't even have the words that are in the subject. Why would we tag the word "The" for example. This feature is great and saves time but it need...
8 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed