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Core LMS

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limit edit capability for Avatars

Admin or System Admin should be able to prevent users from changing an avatar. This could be a toggle to either allow or not allow users to change an avatar.
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration

Editable Banner Titles

When designing the user dashboard template, it would be helpful to make the banner titles editable. (ie. "Mandatory" could be changed to "Mandatory Compliance")
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 1

Clear Supervisor Import to Manager List

After importing managers from the supervisor screen, it doesn't clear the list. The tickbox functionality also doesnt work to select specific supervisors to import as managers, you must import everyone who is a supervisor in the list and makes all...
over 1 year ago in Core LMS 0

Cumulative total coupon option

Right now, if you set up a $500 coupon for staff to use on course purchases, it applies the coupon to each purchase. Therefore, every purchase has a $500 limit, rather than a cumulative total of $500. There is no way to limit this coupon use per e...
10 months ago in Core LMS 0

The time zone is not consistent between Activity Feed list and the activity detail

For example, the activity list displays an activity at 1:08pm (our local time) when I click "View Activity Feed" for a user, but when I edit this particular activity, it displays 11:08am (perhaps Calgary local time).
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Currently Available

Make it easier for a learner to review a completed summary of an observational checklist after the reviewer completes it

Currently (pre enhancement), it's fairly simple to locate and review, or print, the OC summary for the learner. With the new enhancement, it's not obvious where to find the completed summary if you are the learner. For this to be an effective tool...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Make it easier, and more intuitive, to exit a course after completion.

With the changes included in the "enhancement" currently ready for release, it removes the "X" in the top right corner to exit the course upon completion. Instead, there is a green circle with a check mark you can click on, which opens another dia...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Re-enrollment "x" days after Last Completion Date

There's a current idea (likely to implement) auto-enrollment "x" days after hire. Can the additional be added to auto-enroll "x" days after last completion.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Add "Date Edit" option to Lesson list display

When using the "Lesson" option in the "Course" menu, please add a column for "Date Edited" to speed up searching for recently edited lessons.
10 months ago in Core LMS 0

Hide Courses Within a Curriculum in BOTH catalog and my courses

Hiding courses within a curriculum should apply to BOTH the catalog and my courses. Right now, we can see the courses and curriculum in the catalog, and only after enrolling in the curriculum are the courses hidden.
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 1