Option to add custom translations for specific courses/ content. For example, we have one course that is really not a course -- just resources. We want the Enroll button to instead say "Explore" or something similar but only for this specific cour...
Cirrucula Report - Export to Excel shouldn't take hours to create
I have a Curricula Activity Report with 1160 items on it. Took so long to generate I finally clicked email me when ready. 2 hours later and I still don't have that report.
I tried again and filtered the report to 60 items and timed how long it ...
Empty/cleared due dates should not send course past due notifications
If a user has manually had their due date and expiry dates cleared i.e. no due date or expiry then the Course past due email notifications should not be sent. i.e. the emails should ignore the course 'time from enrolment' fields.
Report of Flagged/ Reported Posts in Absorb Analyze
Option to report on flagged/ reported collaborations posts in Absorb reoprt and in Analyze. Ie, kind of flag, who posted, who flagged, (or anonymous), when flagging occurred, when posting occurred, etc.
Show Previous/ Resolved/ Reviewed Flag Count for Reported Posts
Once a reported or flagged post is reviewed, the Flag Count shows as zero on the Collaborations Activity report. There should be an option to see active flags and past flags so admin can easily see flagging history for users who may be regularly p...
Automatically Hide Report Post/ Flagged Post Until Admin Review
Option to have reported/ flagged posts automatically hidden until it has been reviewed by admin. Then admin can unhide if it is deemed okay to show. Right now, someone could report a post, but it would remain visible until admin reviews it, which ...
I love being able to import large numbers of potential users, but what good does that do me if I have to market to them (and track that marketing) in another program? I want to be able to send them a welcome email to say, "hey, you have an account...
We are seeing too many maintenance events. Unless there is a security risk or a significant impact to the learner, we would suggest having monthly scheduled maintenance events. Multiple maintenance events can be seen as fixing issues more so than ...
In the learner view, it would be useful if the search, searched the actual category titles and the refinements left panel had a 'Filter by:' check box for 'Categories'. For example, we have lots of Litmos Heroes course in a category called 'Litmos...