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Instructor Led Courses

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List of all course sessions report for Instructors

Can we have a report that generates list of all courses/sessions an instructor is teaching, containing the number of users enrolled on each session after the current date. It would be setup as a scheduled report every week for the instructors to r...
8 months ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses / Reporting 1 Low Probability of Delivery

scanned document to multiple users

For instructor lead training, an option to have a scanned document be uploaded for a course to several users from the admin section, instead of having to manually impersonate and add per person.
8 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

add assessments to instructor led courses

would like to be able to add a test to the instructor led course.
8 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 2

Store Course Materials in an ILT by an Admin

We have certain ILT's that it would be great to be able to store Power Points, PDFs, and Videos in a similar fashion as are viewed in a CBT. Especially if this ability to be applied to the Session level. While you can store these files in the Glob...
8 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Allow in-person ILC courses to remain active in the course menu but without the option to enroll.

We have off-site, in-person training where registration is conducted through a separate portal. We don't want our learners to "enroll" in our LMS portal, but we want the course listed and in the curriculum requirement for completion, We will uploa...
9 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Add capability to export a course in PPT/PDF format

Many of our users need access to our course in the absence of internet connectivity to teach. If there were a capability to export the main course content from create in a PDF or PPT format, our users would be able to teach the main course content...
9 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 2

Pre-Test Score Data Entry Field for Instructor-Led Sessions

At my organization, we test in and out of our technical training course content. We could really use a data entry in the back end of instructor-led sessions to enter pre-test scores.
9 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Link to edit a session within the ILC sessions report (would open course and that session within it)

This would save us a lot of time - we can see some things best by using the ILC Sessions report (like seats/instructors for all), but then have to go all the way into the Courses>Courses report to pull up the same ILC, then find the session and...
9 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 2 Currently Available

Improvements to prevent external learners from creating duplicate accounts

We're not sure what the answer is to this issue, but anything you can do to prevent people from creating duplicate accounts would be greatly appreciated. We have an annual conference where people create new accounts every year! This costs us time ...
9 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Easier view of seats for sessions within ILC editing

When editing a bunch of ILC sessions, we have to go all the way into the session to see how many seats it has. It would help us to be able to see that in the listed detail within the ILC (without having to navigate out of that area and into the IL...
9 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0