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Instructor Led Courses

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Set up an automatic enrollment for a live session

We have sessions that we run for new joiners on a regular basis. I would be great if we could set up a rule that means that new joiner that starts before this dates automatically gets enrolled to a specific session.
almost 3 years ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

ILCs need a recurring functionality for onboarding new hires

Currently ILCs have a recurring functionality but it's formatted to work for college type courses: an ILC recurs weekly for example but the people enrolled stay the same, like in a college course where new chapters are covered each week to the sam...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses 1 Future Consideration

Display Full Session Name in Session Dropdown on Enroll Users Page

When enrolling users in an ILC and selecting a session, I want to be able to see the full session name in the Session dropdown. Currently, the Session name is cut off after a certain number of characters, and it makes it difficult to select the co...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses 1 Currently Available

Session Enrolment Emails

It would be useful to be able to send different session enrolment emails. We have a group of online instructor-led sessions, we want the url of each session to appear within the message text of the enrolment email. Currently the message text and s...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses 1

Session Seat Reservations for Departments

We currently provide training sessions where the attendees are from various departments within the business. At present anyone who sits within the enrollment rules scope, can see the number of seats available. It would be a great advantage to our ...
11 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 1 Future Consideration

Un-Enrollment Issue

When admins clicked "Un-Enroll" in ILC Activity layout, this action will also delete or remove the learners' enrollment records in all sessions within the ILC course. If the admins would like to just remove the learner's one specific session of IL...
almost 2 years ago in Instructor Led Courses 0 Gathering Interest

Capping the number of sessions for multi session enrollment

We would like to be able to cap the number of sessions someone can sign up for when using the multi session enrollment feature. We have a 2 day course with limited seats per session and don't want someone to be able to enroll in multiple sessions ...
over 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 1 Future Consideration

Customizable title for meeting request in ILC custom Session enrollment message

We have learned that no matter what we put in the subject line box for a custom Session enrollment message, the name/title on the meeting request line will be "Course Name - Session Name". The learner sees this in the Microsoft Outlook calendar, f...
11 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 1 Future Consideration

Add a Lockdown Browser (Respondus)

Absorb needs a lockdown browser. There is a Proctored exam feature on Absorb however Admins need to be able to lockout all other websites during certain exams. Respondus has a program that can be added to Absorb easily and quickly. Absorb would ne...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum / Instructor Led Courses / Online Courses 1 Future Consideration

Photo Uploads

It would be very helpful if you could add photos to course descriptions and session descriptions by uploading a photo instead of having to have a web address. I would like it to work the same as it does for when you upload thumbnail or other photo...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses / Online Courses 1 Currently Available