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Online Courses

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Observation Checklist - Item description misleading, showing online course instead of a checklist type of item.

The item description should indicate that this is a checklist type of item and not an online course, as it currently indicates. It's very confusing for the users. Our partner users see that the description states "online course" and are confused w...
3 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 1 Unreviewed

Link global resources to course resources

Develop a single repository for resources and allow linking from courses to the global repository. that way there is only one file and we won't have to remember which courses have resources attached.
4 months ago in Online Courses 5 Reviewed

Option to Notify Instructor of Enrollment

Our instructors would love to have the option on courses to be notified each time someone enrolls in their course.
4 months ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Generating email after a pin reset

No description provided
4 months ago in E-Signature Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Import time to complete for LinkedIn Courses

When importing LinkedIn courses to the catalog the time to completion is not carried over. It is visible when you look at the courses on the admin side under LinkedIn Learning, but not in the catalog. Having to manually add is tedious.
4 months ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Possiblity to add Level for a course e.g. Intermiediate, Basic, Advanced

It would be great if there was a filter function for the course level, we have categores for types e.g. HR, Autodesk, Cyber, ect. but not for the course level. If we have courses from basic to advance and the users wants to filter by course level ...
4 months ago in Learner Experience / Online Courses 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Make Group Answers available in Observation for Reviewers for a Course.

When creating an online course with multiple Groups, the first few being a Survey to have the Learner answer question about the material just viewed. At the end a Group was created to have a Reviewer Observe those question with the Learner. Howeve...
4 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Show course expiration in the overview for online courses that are within a curriculum

It would be helpful for the expiration date of the online courses that are within a curriculum to display the expiration date the same way they do as a stand-alone course. The expiration of the online courses being visible to the learner is a comp...
4 months ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Make "Content Type" Configurable on SCORM Courses

When uploading a SCORM file, you can select a Content Type, which is a fixed dropdown field. It is populated by choices Absorb has hard-coded. We'd like this dropdown to be configurable, so we could add/change/delete our own choices in the dropdown.
4 months ago in Object Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Request for explanation feature in quiz module

I am currently lacking a feature that allows me to add explanations after every correct answer in a quiz. When I create a quiz, I want to be able to provide an explanation for each question, detailing why the selected answer is correct. This featu...
4 months ago in Assessment Lessons 1 Unreviewed