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Online Courses

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Allow users to review courses after they complete the quiz with fail feature

Currently users can only "View" a course they completed if said course doesn't have a quiz, OR has a quiz with no or more than 1 maximum attempt/no fail option It would be helpful for learners who completed a course with a "Allow failure/Limited a...
9 months ago in Assessment Lessons 0

Show % progress for observation checklists

This has been requested by admins
9 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0

Allow comments to be a mandatory field in observation checklists

Allow comments to be a mandatory field in observation checklists (we need to be able to require documentation for some items)
9 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0

Automatic date/time/reviewer stamp for obs. checklist items

We're piloting the use of observation checklists, and one barrier (from a regulatory perspective) is that we need a date/time/reviewer stamp for every observation checklist item. We often utilize multiple reviewers over days or even weeks, so that...
9 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0

Better icons for completing Observation Checklists

The blue or gray icon for the Observation Checklists is not clear to our admins. A checkbox for incomplete items and a checkmark in that box for completed items would be much clearer.
9 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0

Add a New Operator to Post Enrollments

It would be impactful to be able to add users to a Group as a Post Enrollment action. For example, When Enrolled or Completed the course...add users to Group X.
10 months ago in Online Courses 0

Warning that all course items are not complete

Too many users are not completing courses because they only complete 1 of 2 items. The second item is usually an e-signature or supplementary item to the main lesson of the course. Suggest adding code to warn users they are leaving the course with...
10 months ago in Online Courses 0

Leaderboard points captured/transferred when merging a user with 2 accounts

Currently when a user has 2 accounts and you merge them only the primary email Leaderboard points are retained and a manual fix is then required to add in all the missing points.
10 months ago in Online Courses 0

Superscript and Subscript

Could you kindly consider adding more options for the fonts (I.e., superscript). I use a ton of references that have to be called out in my documents and the pasting process from another source is cumbersome. Also, is it possible to have different...
10 months ago in Online Courses 0

Add course to multiple catalog categories

For example we have courses for new hires we'd like all in once place but would like this also as a reference in our HR category.
10 months ago in Online Courses 1 Reviewed