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Online Courses

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Mobile web time is hidden on videos

When viewing a video page on any course from a mobile phone, not using the mobile app, in portrait or landscape orientation, the video player only shows a timestamp when you tap on the timeline and never displays the total time.
18 days ago in Online Courses 0

Preview all learning objects in Admin Experience

There has be an update in June: "'preview' icon right in the course syllabus next to Scorm, AICC, Tin Can, and of course Absorb Create lesson objects that allows an Admin with the Files permission to see the lesson just as a learner would!" Our co...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum / Online Courses 8 Low Probability of Delivery

Nudge emails to users with any outstanding training - showing all the courses that are outstanding

We are leveraging the course based Nudge emails but just re-assigned 17 company polices to be trained upon and if we setup a nudge on each of those 17 courses, a user would get 17 emails and that seems a bit overkill/spammy. Seems there should be ...
2 months ago in Online Courses 0

Video player time remaining should adjust for playback speed

The video player should display the number of minutes remaining at the current playback speed instead of persisting the time remaining at 1x. This disconnect can be confusing to users. PS: OUR USERS LOVE THE PLAYBACK SPEED CONTROL! THANK YOU!!
20 days ago in Video Lessons 0

Add an "IS NOT" function to Course Self-Enrollment Rules

Suggestion: Add an "Is Not" function for course Self-Enrollment rules Example: Example/Made-Up Parent Department Name: ALPHA Example/Made-Up Sub-Department Names: BRAVO, CHARLIE, DELTA, ECHO Example Situation: We have a parent department (ALPHA) w...
about 2 months ago in Online Courses 0

Can we add a "Resubmission Required" option to course uploads - in the manage course upload section?

Can we add a "Resubmission Required" option to course uploads - in the manage course upload section? Currently, reviewers/admins can only mark uploads as "Pass" or "Fail." It would be beneficial to introduce a "Resubmission Required" status, allow...
23 days ago in Online Courses 0

Define default values for e-signature fields

We are an FDA-regulated industry, and have more than 3,000 courses that require an e-signature object. We should be able to define the following fields in the Portal Settings, which would then be auto-populated when adding an e-signature lesson. T...
23 days ago in E-Signature Lessons 0

Upload your own voice sample to be used in text-to-voice

Some companies have a single face and voice (or limited number of them) as part of the brand of the company. If we could upload a vocal sample that could be used on our own videos, that would allow a continuation of our own brand.
2 months ago in Video Lessons 0

Re-enroll users for updated/new version course

We make updates to our HR, Compliance and Legal policies from time to time and we need oru employees to retrain on it. If a new version of a course is saved, the system should ask if the new version is equivalent or requires retraining. If it is e...
almost 3 years ago in Online Courses 7

Review eLearning before publishing

Ideally, I would like to have a preview section within the "edit online course", so we can view what the eLearning course will look like prior to publishing it. This will limit the number of times we go in and out to edit/tweak what isn't working....
8 months ago in Online Courses 0