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Limit return to curriculum from a course to curriculum that it was launched from.

Currently, if I launch a course from within a curriculum, when I want to return to the curriculum, I have to select it from any other curriculum that also contains the course and that I'm enrolled in. Thus, using courses in multiple curricula can ...
over 3 years ago in Curriculum / Learner Experience 0

Un-Enroll Curriculum

When an Admin Un-Enrolls a Learner from a Curriculum it does not delete the previous status and completion percentage for the contained courses. Please add the unenrollment and reset of the contained course as as a primary or optional functionalit...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum 0

Re-enrollment not visible in Curricula once completed

No description provided
about 13 hours ago in Curriculum 0

Allow edit multiple for curriculum

No description provided
5 days ago in Curriculum 0

Add Company Cost/Time Learner Cost/Time to Curriculum attribute settings

Company cost/time learner cost/time are in course attribute settings but not curriculum attribute settings. These would be helpful for curriculum.
22 days ago in Curriculum 0

Add "Access Date" to "Availability" Tab of a course

Good afternoon, Absorb! I was wondering if it would be possible to add a "time from enrollment" option to "Access Date" under the availability tab of a course. Our intention is to enroll learners into the course, but not make it visible to them to...
3 months ago in Curriculum 0

Maritime Industry Courses for Tow Vessels

Create Maritime industry-specific training videos.
4 months ago in Curriculum 0

Under Class/Curriculum Edit screen add a Click All Button for menu

Instead of clicking on each menu icon, adding a Click All button would save time
6 months ago in Curriculum 0

Turn off enrollment emails for courses included as a Post-Enrollment on a Curriculum

We've added a curriculum that is a collection of individual courses. The curriculum post-enrolls all the component courses as they are all required of the learner. The individual courses are also available outside of the curriculum. Because enroll...
9 months ago in Curriculum 0

Timed Automatic Enrollment

There are times when I'd like a user to interact with course content over a period of time (to keep learning fresh). Perhaps they complete a course...a week later I'd like them to answer a question about a key concept (I envision I'd need to build...
11 months ago in Curriculum 2