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Add "Access Date" to "Availability" Tab of a course

Good afternoon, Absorb! I was wondering if it would be possible to add a "time from enrollment" option to "Access Date" under the availability tab of a course. Our intention is to enroll learners into the course, but not make it visible to them to...
3 months ago in Curriculum 0

Update curricula due dates

Just like the ability to change and existing due dates for individual courses, that functionality should also be available for the curricula.
8 months ago in Curriculum 0

Exempt Status for Courses/Curricula

Sometimes users fit enrollment rules and there is no way to prevent them from automatically getting enrolled. But, there are scenarios where some users don't need to take something even though they fit the rules. Legally, you don't want to mark th...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Allow inactive course credits, previously earned to still apply to a curriculum - course is no longer offered but the credit is till active towards the curriculum.

Our curriculums change courses from time to time, especially in the elective credit category. In our previous database, we had an option to have a course remaining active, but not currently offered and the credit could still be applied to the curr...
9 months ago in Curriculum 0

Add Version Number to Course and Curricula Activity Reports

I would like to be able to display which version of the course a learner completed in Course and Curricula Activity Reports. I know this used to be available in the Courses report, but I don't see it as an option to add anymore. This is incredibly...
almost 3 years ago in Curriculum / Online Courses / Reporting 5 Currently Available

Allow "Tasks" in addition to Courses in Curriculum

Curriculums are a great tool, however they don't fully work for us when it comes to utilizing it for onboarding. For example, there isn't a "Course" for things like touring the facility, meeting peers, locating bathrooms and emergency exits, etc. ...
over 3 years ago in Curriculum / Learner Experience / Task Lessons 2

edit courses from curriculum

When viewing a curriculum syllabus, include a button that will jump you to the course edit page. It would be best if it would be able to return you back to the curriculum, too.
about 1 year ago in Curriculum 0

Add Images of Characters in Various Poses

It would be nice if there were some Images with people in various poses to select and add to a course.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum / Online Courses 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Add Learning Objects to Curriculum

Hello! It would be great to have the capability to add a single learning object to a curriculum. Yes, I like adding courses, but I would also like to be able to create a pre- and post- survey specific to the curriculum, and not have to create a wh...
about 1 year ago in Curriculum 0

More options for access date on courses

There are some courses we would like to assign when someone is hired but want to delay when they can access them. Access date options like "X days" after hire would be helpful.
over 2 years ago in Curriculum / Instructor Led Courses / Online Courses 3 Low Probability of Delivery