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Absorb Administration Certification

To whom it may concern, It would be great to have a ABSORB administration certification program. This type of program would instill confidence in the users taking on the LMS Administration mantle for their company. It would also allow for in the m...
almost 3 years ago in Core LMS / Platform 0 Unreviewed

SSO - Logout Page

It would be helpful to have a logout page for SSO users. This way when the user logs out of Absorb, they are presented with a page that says: "You have been successfully logged out." with a button saying: "Click here to log back in" for URL listed...
7 months ago in Platform 1 Unreviewed


our design team would like access to the CSS to change the look and feel in certain situations.
almost 2 years ago in Platform 2 Unreviewed

Allow adjustments to banners

Currently any text in a banner defaults to capital letters (CAPS LOCK) and left-justified format; it would be nice if admins could edit this to their liking. It's possible the justification is related to dynamic sizing for different platforms (pho...
9 months ago in Platform 1 Unreviewed

Export a printable course catalog

In the construction industry not all of our users are on devices/desktops all day. Looking through course descriptions is not always easy. Additionally, we have a list of required courses that we would love for managers to be able to easily flip a...
12 months ago in Platform 0 Unreviewed

Sandbox must emulate the production environment

Absorb releases software updates every 2 weeks, on top of that there are minor rele3ases like the 02-May-022 release. Although some of these releases may not impact the user functionality, being part of FDA regulated industry it is important that ...
over 2 years ago in Platform 0 Unreviewed

Support key rotation for Google OIDC

Currently the SSO settings require a public key to be keyed in when the JWT Signature Type is RS256. For google OIDC the public key corresponds to the KID that Google uses to sign the token. Google rotates their KID's every 1-2 weeks, so the metho...
9 months ago in Platform 0 Unreviewed

Crowd source how to's

I find reading through these questions that some of the problems are things that I myself have found work arounds for. I would assume that there are a lot of users who find the directions for how to use absorb very simplistic and lacking in the re...
over 2 years ago in Platform 3 Unreviewed

New Release Issues (Why?)

Over the past few releases we have noticed many system issues that result from the System Release. I am curious if others have noticed a substantial uptick in system performance issues after monthly releases? We are starting to get the point of fe...
almost 3 years ago in Platform 1 Unreviewed

Proposal: Integrating Tag Management System for Enhanced User Behavior Tracking of external users in Absorb LMS

Current State & Major Pain Points: Our objective is to consistently conduct audits of external user behavior and gather user feedback within the Absorb LMS platform. Regrettably, there is no mechanism in place to track user behavior for our ex...
8 months ago in Platform 0 Unreviewed