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Prevent Confusion By Updating the WYSIWYG Interface in the Ideas Portal

In the Ideas portal where I'm responding right now, I have a WYSIWYG interface where I enter suggestions. After spending a fair amount of time on my own and then with an Absorb support person, I’ve learned that not all of the interface is function...
almost 3 years ago in Platform 0 Unreviewed

Add the "Submit Idea" button for all admin roles.

No description provided
about 3 years ago in Core LMS / Platform 0 Unreviewed

Search Ideas Portal by Name

Searching the ideas portal by someone's name would be a huge help! I have team members who submit ideas and it can be tedious to find or I rely on them sending a link.
over 3 years ago in Platform 1 Under Consideration

Logging in to Absorb Academy outside of your Portal - username should equal email

HI all, I am very new to Absorb (not launched yet). If I log into the Absorb Academy outside of our portal, my username is over 30 characters long of numbers, letters and dashes. I checked with support and there was no solution. So tossing it out ...
over 1 year ago in Platform 1 Unreviewed

Ideas Portal - My Votes/My Ideas - Ability to Filter by Items not Reviewed

In the Ideas Portal, I can click on 'My Ideas' or 'My Votes' to see the ideas I have added or voted on. I am then able to filter by status, e.g. "Reviewed", "Likely to implement", etc. I would like the ability to filter to items that have no label...
almost 2 years ago in Platform 1 Under Consideration

Reduce cadence of tag refresh from one week to real time / instantaneously when you save.

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Platform 0 Unreviewed