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Observation Checklist Lessons

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Observation Checklist - Item description misleading, showing online course instead of a checklist type of item.

The item description should indicate that this is a checklist type of item and not an online course, as it currently indicates. It's very confusing for the users. Our partner users see that the description states "online course" and are confused w...
3 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 1 Unreviewed

Allow comments to be a mandatory field in observation checklists

Allow comments to be a mandatory field in observation checklists (we need to be able to require documentation for some items)
9 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Automatic date/time/reviewer stamp for obs. checklist items

We're piloting the use of observation checklists, and one barrier (from a regulatory perspective) is that we need a date/time/reviewer stamp for every observation checklist item. We often utilize multiple reviewers over days or even weeks, so that...
9 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Observation Checklist - Add more individual identifiers or sorting options

As a reviewer, I would like to more easily identify the correct individual from the "Ready" tab. Currently, this tab pulls in the individual first name and last name as well as the job title, but this can be confusing for reviewers in large organi...
over 1 year ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 3 Currently Available

Make Group Answers available in Observation for Reviewers for a Course.

When creating an online course with multiple Groups, the first few being a Survey to have the Learner answer question about the material just viewed. At the end a Group was created to have a Reviewer Observe those question with the Learner. Howeve...
4 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Ability to download attachments on Observation Checklist

Would like the ability to download any attachments that have been attached to a user's Observation Checklist. We are able to attach and then view it via the Checklist Summary only.
10 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Observation Checklists | Allow customization on Observation steps

On Observation checklists, the Observation option only allows for 250 characters max, where as comments allow 4000 max. On an observation, I would actually expect 250 characters to be the MINIMUM. The option to customize the minimum and maximum ch...
8 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Copying learning objects

I would like to be able to copy and existing learning object within the same course. For example if I am creating a new observation checklist i would like to copy the previous one so that i can use the same settings and just change the title.
about 1 year ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Observation Checklist - Need Skills Level Reporting

It would be helpful to be able to be able to run a report on a single skill within a checklist. This would be similar to reporting on a single question in an assessment or survey. Additionally, we would like to be able to filter results by departm...
almost 2 years ago in Observation Checklist Lessons / Reviewer Experience 0 Unreviewed

Observation Checklist | Allow Admin role to review and approve

Many Admin roles are also the reviewer of an Observation Checklist. Need to allow them to review and approve without changing to the Reviewer experience. Could also make this feature selectable on role permissions set up.
about 1 year ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0 Unreviewed