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Generate the current page as a report--not the saved layout

Grrr. It si beyond annoying to setup a page and filter and filter to get it to show what you need, only for it ti generate the old layout, and not the CURRENT page you are on. Please tell me there is an easier way to get current reports, updated r...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 4

Observation Checklist | Change Step Icon

The observation checklist icons are confusing. The icon goes from being a hollow exclamation point to a color exclamation point. For our branding our secondary color is red, so it makes it look like there's action necessary. Suggestion: Completed ...
almost 2 years ago in Reviewer Experience 0

Allow mobile friendly for Electronic Signature

I would like to set up Electronic Signature but doesn't allow me to do so with enabling on mobile app. Many of our users use the mobile app as they are not office employees with access to a computer.
over 1 year ago in Mobile App 0 Gathering Interest

Enable filter by Catalog Categories on Tiles if you turn on "hide categories from catalog view"

We do not want to show our category folders as it is nice to see all the content and courses you have. But if you toggle on the "Always Hide Categories" in the template>courses>catalog when you create a "Catalog Tile" on the dashboard it ign...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Ability to set rules for Featured Courses and Mandatory Courses

Use Case: We use Absorb for our internal teams and therefor our different teams need different materials. In a particular case, we rolled out a course which we wanted to appear as mandatory for our CSMs only, but we still wanted other departments ...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Search course name by external ID in enrolment key

As we have courses with the same names, but they are for different customers, it would be nice to include the external ID after the course name so we can differentiate the course name when assigning a course to an enrolment key.
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration

Add line manager name to reports

After launching some mandatory training on Absorb it would be useful to include the users line manager within the course activity reports. For example, for everyone who is overdue on the training we could then easily contact their line managers to...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 1 Currently Available

Support multiple custom SMTPs

Ability to support multiple custom SMTPs so that different divisions/departments can have their own custom SMTP for LMS emails. Ideally the course rules based on department would drive the "sender" of an email notification from the LMS
almost 2 years ago in Core LMS 0

Add 'External ID' to Dropdown Filter Choices in Groups / Rules

Hi, Please add the User field called "External ID" to be a dropdown choice when I'm creating a Rule in User/Groups. Thanks,Rick
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration

Add expiry date field to user transcript

When viewing all user transcripts (active and inactive) it would be helpful to have the expiry date field added under the enrollments section (where the course name, status, enrollment date, completion date, etc are all currently residing). That w...
6 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration