A client has inquired about functionality for learners to manipulate objects in the slides and take a screen shot of their result, then download the file. From a pedagogical perspective, the product is constructive evidence of learning along the l...
Because of how our team utilizes the LMS to support external vs. internal users, it would be very helpful to be able to access activity via the enrollment key vs. courses alone. For example: I provided a commonly-used course to a unique group usin...
Some of the tiles appear different and we are not able to change the way they look unless adding multiple tiles in a container. There should be an option to change that since the overall appearance of the Learner Dashboard would look better. Examp...
In the event, an ILC session is deleted, I would love the option to have the ability to restore it. I was informed that this is available for Courses, Enrollment, and Users but not sessions. This would be super helpful!
We utilize multiple uploads in our main curriculum and have a team assigned to review them. It would be helpful to pull a report that showed which team member/admin approved each upload.
Mandatory vs not mandatory filter on export all enrollment data report
It would be helpful to have the mandatory vs not mandatory filter for reporting and exporting all enrollment data. this would help clean up the reporting a lot easier as we have so many reports that are not mandatory
Course Administrators - Course Visibility by default should be 'None' - makes it 1-step process to give visibility rights to specific admins
Currently, course administrator visibility by default is set to 'All Admin'. When course visibility for admin is assigned to specific department, the courses in which the default setting is auto-applied remains visible - which makes it difficult a...
We have to update our courses in Create nearly monthly. It would be great to be able to add a page and mark is as a draft. This way if part of the course needs to be re-published, but the draft part isn't ready yet, the course can still be publish...