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scanned document to multiple users

For instructor lead training, an option to have a scanned document be uploaded for a course to several users from the admin section, instead of having to manually impersonate and add per person.
9 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Allow learners to view their survey responses after submitting.

We would like learners to be able to view/review their responses to a survey once they've submitted it. We occasionally use surveys for a self-reflection activity, and it would be nice if they could see what they said afterward. I'm thinking maybe...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 1

Add more languages

We have clients around the world. Adding more languages (for example, Indonesian and Bulgarian) and improving support for right-to-left languages like Arabic and Hebrew, would benefit us, other users, and Absorb itself.
about 1 year ago in Core LMS 0

Subtitles On/Off Button for Learners

It would useful for students to be able to turn subtitles on/off. Currently, we are only able to either have no subtitle files uploaded or have them uploaded but with no option for the student to turn them off if they don't want to view them. Most...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 1

Branching - Link to folders and select multiple pages

Instead of linking only to existing pages when creating a branch, allow linking to folders of pages for specific sections or allow selecting multiple pages at once.
9 months ago in Create 0

Change German standard translation of "resume"

Hello, when trying out the German language setting on my portal - since many of my clients, and I myself, come from Austria), I found that the word "resume" auto-translates as "zusammenfassen" on the button to "re-enter a course". However, in Germ...
9 months ago in Learner Experience 0

Using Welcome Tile More Then Once

I've found a use for the Welcome tile to draw attention to a specific message I want learners to see and click to go to a curriculum/link/course/etc. But you can't use it for this reason AND also as a Welcome tile. Would be good to have this featu...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0

Tax Exemption Setting

We need the option to somehow configure specific users or departments as tax-exempt for eCommerce purchases. Currently, sales tax settings are either on or off, and there isn't a way to manage specific users or departments that have sales tax exem...
over 1 year ago in eCommerce 0 Gathering Interest

Admin Experience - Allow sections to be sticky (become default for other courses)

Typically, Admins use a few sections during adding and/or editing courses. For example, if I use only 4 of the sections, keep those 4 sections selected as a default on all courses I edit or add.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Future Consideration

Observation Checklist - Failure options

Currently, we find that FAIL locks the review and unless an admin re-enrolls the user, the course containing the checklist is incomplete. We would be able to make better use of OC's if Only the PASS behaviour were an option, which could be "comple...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1