Allow automatic enrollment rules to be created for ILCs. With a remote workforce, this is a great way to notify employees of a mandatory live training, so we don't want to give them the option. Rules would be much nicer to set up rather than havin...
Manager experience assigned by department and all sub depts.
The manager experience is not feasible for us if direct reports have to be individually assigned. Being able to do it by dept and all sub depts would make this workable for us.
It would be nice to allow some learning objects to be optional within a course. There are times when we want to provide supplemental information to learners but not make it required. This would save admins from having to create a curriculum to pro...
For manage templates we need the ability to: (1) Multi-select Departments. For example, if there are 10 departments that fall under a top-level department, we need to be able to select only 3 of them to assign to a template. Currently our only opt...
Currently, ILC Session reminder emails don’t have a function to apply the time zone to the email. Our courses are set to time zones across Canada and our students are finding the emails confusing since they only include the time and not the time z...
Manager's experience should have a tile or filter for mandatory courses
We use the "mandatory" flag to designate requirements and to separate compliance courses from electives. Most of the time, mandatory courses are the only ones with due dates, so it's likely that the manager can just use "overdue" to see if their t...
Similar to a discount, but instead of it being for a set dollar amount, each time a course is purchased it diminishes the amount left (like a gift card).
Currently, you can allow users to rate a curriculum, but there is no option to allow learners to complete an evaluation. It would be helpful to gather data at that level, especially since we use curricula for department-specific new hire training.