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Re-Enrollment for Completed Course or Curriculum creates Fresh Item

Re-Enrollment by Admin for a Completed course or curriculum does not lead to another Enrolled item, it changes the existing one to Progress 0%, Status Not Started. Please add the creation of a new entry/item as primary or optional functionality fo...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Currently Available

Add Time for Coupon Code Expiration

Add a time for coupon codes to expire. Right now it's always 12 AM UTC, but would be helpful to be able to variable time. Example: Code to expire April 25 at 5 PM ETC (9 PM UTC).
10 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration

We need a customizable PAGE BUILDER for non-course / non-resource content.

I want a simple way to build a stand-alone informational web page (with images, text, videos) that can be directly linked to a single billboard click... without (1) needing to use an external website or (2) enroll in a course to see it. Functional...
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience 3 Future Consideration

Decouple Pinpoint from Search

Today, Pinpoint is an all or nothing tool. Powerful transcription tool but we are not using the tool since the transcription is included in the search results. Please provide a way for clients to choose to use Pinpoint without linking the transcri...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 1

User Account Settings - Admin User & Department Management by Groups

Group - if a Role is assigned, they will only see Users that are assigned to the Group you have selected in this section. Only 1 Group can be assigned to an Admin . But, the assigned User will see all Departments, not just the departments that wer...
4 months ago in Admin Experience 1

Observation Checklist - Add more individual identifiers or sorting options

As a reviewer, I would like to more easily identify the correct individual from the "Ready" tab. Currently, this tab pulls in the individual first name and last name as well as the job title, but this can be confusing for reviewers in large organi...
over 1 year ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 3 Currently Available

New Learner Experience Course player to be consistent with Courses and Curriculums

The new course player is a great idea, however for such a big change to be communicated across the organisation, we need to ensure it it fit for purpose and aligns with the rest of the LMS. User experience is key and having a curriculum and a cour...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 2 Gathering Interest

Global Resources - Preview Action Button

When an item in the Global Resources list is selected in the admin console can a preview action button appear in the right side so it can be previewed without having to be in the learner interface.
6 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration

Add New User - Collapse sections by default

We manually create new users. We fill in most of the fields in the 'General' section, some of the fields in the 'Account' section, a few in the 'Employment Details' section but none in the 'Contact Information' and none in the 'Details'. Can you a...
6 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration

Add Admin Visibility Rules to Groups

This will limit the admin view of groups to only the admins in their parent department and sub departments. As an enterprise client we need to give access to create and manage groups to our company admins however if you have access to create and m...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 7 Currently Available