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Un-enroll from ILC Course

The ability to un-enroll from an ILC Course would enable learners to change their mind not only at the session level but the course level as well without the need for administrative intervention
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 2 Currently Available

Allow admins to remove unwanted sort options in My Courses

I would like to be able to customize/remove the sort features available to learners in My Courses. Specifically, I would like the ability to remove options completely. For example, we do not charge for courses in our LMS and that is something that...
about 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Improve learner experience and navigation by adding back button on Transcript, Inbox and FAQ

If I navigate to the Transcript, Inbox, or FAQ page from the dashboard, there is no “back” button to take me back to the dashboard. I know there are other ways to get to it but an in your face type button would be a better experience.
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

ILC - Print Sign in Sheet

Since the system is already tracking who is enrolled in the sessions, it would be great if Absorb could easily allow the instructor to print a sign in sheet. I find that even when running virtual sessions, the instructor may be juggling too many t...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Leaderboard for reaching a certain number of courses in a certain length of time

We would like to be able to have a leaderboard that shows the people who completed a certain number of courses in certain length of time. For example, show people who took 3 courses in June. So it would encourage all users to take more courses (ra...
8 months ago in Leaderboards 0 Unreviewed

Page Navigation

Add a floating "return to top" button at the bottom of the page so it is always visible. Some pages like the catalog, Learners can scroll pretty far from the top and instead of the hamburger menu I have been getting requests for a button that is a...
11 months ago in Platform 1 Unreviewed

In Courses - Nudge Notifications - Include Supervisor Toggle

Currently, Message Templates allows the toggle to include supervisor in nudge notifications for the platform. This can create unnecessary emails for less critical required courses and more importantly creates excessive notifications for managers o...
11 months ago in Manager Experience 0 Unreviewed

Hide Courses Within Curriculums in Catalog View

When the "Hide Courses outside Curricula " option is on, the courses are still visible in the Catalog view. There should be the ability to have the course hidden in this view as well. The current behavior may confuse learners who may assume the cu...
11 months ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Course Bundles should keep all courses together like a learning plan

Course Bundles should keep all the courses together once enrolled, instead of separating them. This will make it easier for learners to access the courses and keep them organized in their My Courses tile.
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Power Point upload should include voice overs

The initial version of Power Point conversion does not bring over audio tracks that may be embedded in a PPT slide. Request that this functionality is included in a future release.
about 2 years ago in Create 0 Unreviewed