It would be nice to filter report columns by no data. For example I would specifically like to filter the last logged in or first logged in columns by empty, so that I could easily see and reach out to users who have never logged into our LMS inst...
Courses in Curriculum should be individually assignable outside of curriculum.
When I assign a curriculum with several courses inside, I'd expect there to be a time in the future that I would like to individually assign a single course without a user needing to go back to the curriculum to complete the training.
Include session information in course enrollment dashboard in Analyze
When creating an Analyze dashboard for a user's all enrollments (similar to the User > User Enrollment report), if you include the session name, the dashboard is only able to report back the ILC information and not both ILC and online course de...
Be able to change the order the courses are listed in a curriculum or bundle.
I would like to be able to change the order of how courses are listed in a curriculum or bundle. Click and drag feature to be able to add courses in any order and then rearrange them as needed.
Give the entire home screen experience, not just courses, in the app
Our home screen includes a docs box, leaderboard, community feature, and eventually will have videos. We need our learnings to see more than just the courses they're enrolled in when they login.
Course Upload Approval to appear in manager experience
It would be very helpful if course uploads that users submit would appear in the manager experience. Currently, a manager has to be given admin access then they need to pull a "course uploads" report. Moving this report to the manager experience w...
Send a different email if a Manager enrolls a user in a course
The e-mail for course enrollment just says you have been enrolled. Can we create an email that says, Manager has enrolled you in course x? This would motivate Learners more if they knew a course was from the Manager and not just the platform.
Ability to Manually Arrange Questions in Enrollment Key and User Profile
Please give the ability to decide in what order the questions show up in an enrollment key and Portal Settings->User Profile. Currently, they just show up in the order of date they were added into Portal Settings->Custom Fields.
It would be nice to have the ability to message a user directly from the Course Upload management page. We get users who will upload the wrong certificate and I have to go to their user profile to send them a message about how to correct the issue.
When looking at a progress report, inactive courses that the learner is enrolled in are counted against a learners progress. These courses are no longer available, so the learner can't complete them and a learner will not be at 100%.