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Allow Post-Enrolment Rule Be Based on Completion Status equals 'Absent' rather than 'Failure'

No description provided
9 days ago in Instructor Led Courses 0
125 VOTE

Nudge Supervisor After A Set Number of Nudges to Employee

It would be great to have the ability to set up a nudge to go to the supervisor only after the employee has had a specified number of nudges. This would basically escalate the nudge to the supervisor when the employee has not completed the trainin...
8 months ago in Manager Experience 7 Fair Probability of Delivery
318 VOTE

Course Completion Button

When you complete a course, there is no obvious way out of the course, just the X button at the top of the course itself. Could we add in a "Save and Exit" button to the screens, or a "Close Out" button or something which is a bit more obvious how...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 31 Currently Available
647 VOTE

Report on Multiple Courses in a Single Report

The ability to display multiple courses in reports such as the Course Activity Report would enable the following:-Reduce the number of reports which need to be created and stitched together-Quickly validate the status for multiple courses in a sin...
over 3 years ago in Reporting 87 Currently Available

System message when a user is already enrolled in a course

Currently, if a manager with multiple employees attempts to enroll an employee in a course they are already enrolled in, the error message says "User is unable to be enrolled in this course". If the message could appear as, "This user is already e...
3 days ago in Manager Experience 0

Ajouter le format de photo .webp

No description provided
3 days ago in Admin Experience 0

Include departments in batch upload

No description provided
4 days ago in Admin Experience 0

Create a feature to track undeliverable emails (per Absorb support team currently LMS does not provide)

No description provided
about 1 month ago in  1

Reset incomplete evaluations

No description provided
10 days ago in Learner Experience 0

Add a "New" designation for course cards in catalog

Add a "New" designation for course cards in catalog for the upper left corner, in a similar style as the exclamation point and check mark icons. Have the "New" designation come on automatically for newly added courses and drop off after a month or...
17 days ago in Online Courses 0