Show which manager experience a user resides in from user report
We are currently managing the manager experience manually. When auditing, there are times that I cannot add someone to a manager experience because they are already in someone else's - but there is no way of knowing who's. It would be great if the...
Hide 'In progress' expired courses from learners library.
It is currently only possible to hide expired courses for those that have completed the course. It would be more beneficial to be able to hide incomplete expired courses as those users no longer require access to the course and would not need to v...
There are default settings in place for the animation type & duration of objects on screen as well as the for the font type & size for different text categories (normal vs. the different heading types). It would be helpful if those default...
Ability to Manually Arrange Questions in Enrollment Key and User Profile
Please give the ability to decide in what order the questions show up in an enrollment key and Portal Settings->User Profile. Currently, they just show up in the order of date they were added into Portal Settings->Custom Fields.
It would be nice to have the ability to message a user directly from the Course Upload management page. We get users who will upload the wrong certificate and I have to go to their user profile to send them a message about how to correct the issue.
Allow post enrollment and/or competency by session
Allowing a post enrollment by session (or creating a competency by session) would allow users to be enrolled in observation checklists and surveys that are tied directly to their instructor/session and not to other instructors/sessions within the ...
with no ability to mark a question as optional, we would need an "n/a" option for some of our questions as they ask about something that may or may not be relevant every time. It would be easier to do this than it would to edit the questions anyti...
Add the quick save button inside FAQs like you have in courses. Right now to save I have to save and close and then reopen. I am always worried about browser time outs and or other LMS browser tabs that are open interferring with thes save.
In Create, if we accidentally delete a page there is no way of getting it back. It would be great to have a recycle bin within a course being edited just in case. We've had this happen a couple of times and had to rebuild pages.
Add a button to allow admins to Export All Enrollments whenever they need to and/or be able to schedule the weekly update. Saturday night makes no sense for my company. Absorb claims this would cause performance issues, but with enough clicking ar...